
The History of “Big Pharma”

How did Pharmaceuticals become a Billion Dollar Industry? And our Pharmacy the third leading cause of death??  JAMA (1) This is Big Pharma’s Story. Since 5000 BC, Opium was a known painkiller in the East.  There were no pharmacies back then, but the roots of the pharmacy is the history of Opium. The Poppy seeds […]

Yin Yang, mild cognitive improvement.

Mild Cognitive Impairment

I think I have Dementia. “Typically, symptoms include memory loss, problems using language, personality changes, and disruptive or inappropriate behavior.”  –MerckManual OMG, that is exactly me.  It’s not mild cognitive impairment.  I am extremely disruptive to the way things are.  I was kicked out of insurance for healing a thyroid condition.  They said I am […]

Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Mother Nature

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by cognitive decline… …behavioral and psychological symptoms, and impaired activities of daily living. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease are faced with the inevitable decline from mild to moderate and, eventually, to severe stages of the disease and death.  “I had early onset cognitive impairment after losing my […]

food allergies

What Causes Food Allergies or Sensitivities?!

This was the second worst case of food allergies I have treated! (I’ll link the worst case at the end) Shirley had food allergies to everything except “about five foods.” Meat, egg, cucumber, squash, and green beans.   Anything else and she would feel a painful tightness around her neck, her hair would come out in clumps, she would […]


True Health Webinar

Find YOUR Healing Trend What the heck is a healing trend??  Picture this:  Whatever feels BAD, horrible, miserable, or uncomfortable, starts to ease.  You begin to heal, which we all know takes time.  But as soon as you feel a healing trend, despair is lifted! Tired becomes less tired, and pain begins to soften.  Discomfort […]