Warrior Training – Test Drive!

  Train Like Ancient Healers and Warriors.  (Still Considered Best Practices Today!) Sign up below to get instant access to 5 Days of Warrior Training (Free to Use Forever!), plus Dr.Stone’s Functional Medicine Book “When Did Natural Become The Alternative?!

Welcome to True Health and Natural Healing! 

If you are curious, take the Warrior Training Test Drive.  Above!  Sign up and train like an ancient warrior (still in practice today!) for 5 days.  If you feel improved health and want to continue, we’ll give you an option to become a Member of True Health!

Learn More about Functional Medicine and Eastern Medicine in our Thyroid and Metabolism training.  Click Here to Join!

If you are sure you’d like to work with True Health, click on New Patients, and schedule a case review!  Dr. Stone will review your case history and labs, and report the fastest way to achieve a Healing Trend (every week feeling better, bad days not as bad and good days more and more often!).

If you’d like to learn more about functional medicine, click to our conditions page to watch a five minute video teaching what every healing science has to offer each condition or symptom, how they diagnose, and their unique approach to healing.  If you need inspiration or hope, read our case studies.  Actual patients… the most complex and complicated cases over 20 years of practice, discovering True Health and recovering True Health!!

True Health is a state of optimal physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing!

We are here to help YOU find True Health!  Are you ready?

Get to know True Health.

Thank YOU!


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About Todd Stone

Dr. Todd Stone Asheville Functional Medicine

Dr. Todd Stone is an internationally recognized Alternative Medicine Physician; a chiropractor with certification in Functional Medicine and Applied Kinesiology, True Health offers care for families and hope for the chronically walking wounded, who have found no solution or even adequate diagnosis.

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