Zen Training

Do you have nagging symptoms that defy every health strategy you’ve ever tried?

Stomach aches, headaches, fatigue.  If your symptoms increase when you feel stressed, pressured, or challenged, you need stress resilience.  Moods?  If you are chronically anxious, depressed, worrying, or struggling with self doubt, you need stress resilience.

Stress Resilience – The ability to endure stress and emotional challenges without being triggered (fight or flee physiology).  Maintain calm composure and the ability to choose your focus and emotional state.

Yes, this training teaches you how to choose how you feel, regardless of the circumstances!

You need a proven strategy for changing your relationship with stress, and building resilience week after week, until you feel invincible!

A proven strategy documented by warrior monks nearly 2000 years ago, re-discovered by Dr. Stone in the last couple years, after 30 years of research and clinical practice!

When I was a kid, we were taught to stuff your emotions.  Maybe it’s changed since then, but it was made clear that being emotional and showing emotions was a weakness.  With my experience, and basic common sense, I can tell you – That is a terrible strategy!

Every emotion must be expressed or it expresses itself in your body, with pain or discomfort.

Doctors tell you that Meds, antidepressants and sedatives, are the solution, or at least a helpful resource, for stress, depression and anxiety.  Could suppressing be healthier than stuffing?

I’ve done meditation, breath work, therapy, and more, but nothing really worked until I discovered a clear, documented system in the archives of eastern medicine.

A system that tells you what you need to do first, and next, and last.  If you attempt to meditate when you’re anxious, worrying, and struggling with self doubt, it feels a little like torture!  You have to work on your focus first!

You’re going to learn a step by step process for taking control of your mind and your stress.

A little known approach documented by warrior monks nearly 2000 years ago, re-discovered by Dr. Stone in the last couple years, after 30 years of research and clinical practice!

This practice is still used by the famed Shaolin Warriors, and still considered to be the best practice for mastering your mind and stress.

It includes acupressure and acu-tapping.  I’ve had some pretty big successes using these resources as I learned them (Conditions – Resolved!).  Now, I have uncovered the whole philosophy and practice that trains your entire nervous system, and acupressure is one of the tools that make it effective!

If you haven’t been successful with acupressure or tapping, I’m going to suggest you reconsider and apply it with a full understanding of the original teaching (and the upgrades of practitioners since then!)

If you feel embarrassed about doing something that our culture doesn’t accept as “normal,” you definitely need this training!

It’s extremely unhealthy to make choices based on other peoples reactions, especially avoiding something because somebody might mock or belittle.  UNHEALTHY!  You need stress resilience!

Here’s how you build stress resilience!

We begin with an inspired vision, which generally requires a whole lot of letting go!

Letting go of beliefs and strategies that you created out of trauma and stress.

Don’t worry, there’s a specific process for Letting Go!  Just follow the steps.

stressOnce you let go of unhealthy beliefs and strategies, and create an inspired vision, then you connect to your heart and gut, and “listen for” the Next Best Step toward your Inspired Vision.

We are going to let go of any identity that conflicts with you being the perfect person to navigate your life and path, so all you have to do is Do You Best!

Your Next Best Step might be having lunch, but if your Vision is Inspiring, you are going to fuel your body for the journey, not stuff yourself until you’re sleepy.  Pretty amazing the problems that having an inspired vision will solve!

The Five Elements philosophy says “there is no life without an inspired vision.”  Just muddling through, life-less.  So let’s get busy Letting Go.

Your vision will appear, no struggle at all, as you work on letting go.

PLUS…You’ll understand boundaries, needs, triggers, and hindrances (what distracts from your Vision!), and you’ll have a step by step process to eliminate unhealthy boundaries, triggers and distractions, so you have complete control of your mind and your stress!

We’ll meet virtually once a week to learn the next concept and take the next steps. You’ll be given daily practices that systematically build and grow your focus and mastery over your emotions and stress.

We’re only accepting 6 Founding Members into this training!  As a founding member, you’ll be asked for feedback on what worked, and what didn’t.  If anything didn’t work, we’ll do it together until it works.

I know this training works, because I taken it myself!

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