Worshipping False Gods

BCBS Destroyer!  My 3:00 appointment cancelled today…

…because HER HEALTH INSURANCE had just told her that they want the money she paid from her flex account toward her care at True Health paid back to BCBS, even though the treatment was working.

She twisted her ankle and went to the ER for care.  Instead of healing over the next couple weeks, she noticed a trend of stiffness and soreness after sitting or walking for too long.  Over the next 3 months, the pain increased until her ankle and foot were so swollen that she couldn’t get her shoe on. 

Conventional Western Medicine offered her surgery, cortisone shots, and PT over almost 2 years time, all the while her pain was worsening. 

Her pain was disabling after all that “care,”  and their next suggestion for healing care was another surgery. 

She’d lost Faith in Medicine and called True Health.

On her first visit she tested weak to MRSA (antibiotic resistant strep bacteria) as the root of her foot swelling, which suggested going to the ER for care as the likely ROOT CAUSE of her pain and disability! 

MRSA is a hospital based antibiotic resistant bacteria! 

We offered True GI Cleanse in response, which is our ultimate anti-microbial cleansing medicine, which happens to be so gentle that I use it as a mouth rinse!  I also used massage, acupressure, and arnica, a plant used for injury and trauma.

On her second visit, she already reports that her pain is better.  On her third visit, she had experienced “great days” and a time or two where the pain was near gone.  By the fifth visit, she had experienced pain free, and when the pain visited, it was very short duration and swelling was almost gone.

bcbs health insuranceVisit 6 didn’t happen, because she has to pay this man back for the visits she had with True Health.  He probably didn’t call, as this is the CEO of BCBS NC, featured in this story in a local paper, about the struggles of BCBS.  CEO Brad Wilson only received a 1.9 million dollar bonus this year, down from 2.3 million the previous year. (2016 Article)

But wait Brad, your customers gave you that money, in exchange for being taken care of.  That was her money (as well as I understand these exchanges) and she found relief.   

She will have to reimburse a company that profited 185 MILLION in 2016, while she is a single mom struggling to make ends meet.

Thankfully, BCBS of NC turned things around in 2017, increasing total profits from a meager 185 MILLION in 2016, up to 734 MILLION in 2017.  That allowed Brad to retire in 2017!!

How do WE allow that reality to exist? 

They are taking our money, and divvying it up amongst themselves.  Yes, they paid for her medical bills, but they didn’t pay for her natural care that helped her, and then split 185 million dollars of our money, the citizens of NC.

Brad was disappointed by the pathetic profit in 2016 and made the changes in 2017 so they had 734 MILLION to split amongst their executives.

bcbs health insuranceMaybe that only bothers me because I was kicked out of BCBS for spending too much time with patients, and because I was fined by our Government for not contributing to BCBS PROFIT. 

It definitely bothers me, and I am doing something about it.  I’ll teach Mothers and healers to use plant medicines, like True GI Cleanse, to resolve healing needs and the harm that pharmaceuticals are doing to our people and planet. 

You do realize that antibiotic resistance only exists because of the existence of antibiotics??!!   

You do realize that Brad and Dan have million dollar salaries by cutting your health care??!!

To make more money, they have to reduce what they cover of your care.  And clearly, they don’t choose based on RESULTS!

If you are bothered too, join us for 7 dollars a month.  Get a Healing Membership to True Health!!


One Hour of Healing…

Natural Healing Beats a lifetime of Medicine.

I never planned all this.  I just wanted to find my own relief and offer a bit to others.   Then I met a condition called “no hope.”  I couldn’t offer hope initially, because I hadn’t been taught how to heal.  But I persevered, and found both.

This woman had many doctors but suffered from a lack of nurturing and natural healing.  She had  been named and diagnosed with so many things.  Neuroma, neuritis, fibromyalgia, mood disorder…
Her daughter, who drove her to this healing, read her medical history out loud to me, by my request, because I was busy healing her momma.  She said, What the heck does that mean, “mood disorder?”

I didn’t offer my perspective, but I might have said, “when you realize that the doctors, which I thought meant healer, don’t know how to heal.”

Mayo Clinic explains that “If you have a mood disorder, your general emotional state or mood is distorted or inconsistent with your circumstances and interferes with your ability to function. You may be extremely sad, empty or irritable (depressed), or you may have periods of depression alternating with being excessively happy (mania).  (1)

She barely made it in the door of True Health, but she’s glad she did.  I relaxed her, eased her, comforted her, and healed her body and mind for an hour.   Nurturing.  Loving Care.

Feel her ease near the end of her video.  That expression is hope.  Maybe faith…restored.

Is US Health the Best in the World?

The high cost of our health care system…

Adapted and updated from “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?” by  Barbara Starfield, MD, MPH   JAMA. 2000;284(4):483-485.

Medical care costs are considered to be excessive, but it appears to be accepted by the capitalistic assumption that better health results from more expensive care.   However, evidence reveals that as many as 20% to 30% of patients receive unnecessary medical procedures and 12,000 humans die each year as a result. (1)  What is the alternative?  “Alternative medicine” includes nutrition, plants, and loving touch. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) reports in “To Err Is Human,” that 44,000 to 98,000 people die each year as a result of medical mistakes.  (2)  Alternative medicine mistakes lead to not getting what you want.  Healing.  I could only find one instance of plant medicine leading to death in a patient with hepatitis B, which is a terminal illness. (2.5)  If he would have taken this plant medicine, there is a 15% chance that he could have cured his terminal illness. Imagine that.  Almost 2 people of every ten diagnosed with a terminal illness return to complete health, on average, if you take that formula of plant medicines for that terminal illness.

It’s a fact that the US does not have anywhere near the best health care in the world.

Thirteen countries with similar economies were recently compared. (3)  The United States ranks an average of 13th (dead last) for 16 available health indicators.  Countries in order of their average ranking on the health indicators (with the first being the best) are Japan, Sweden, Canada, France, Australia, Spain, Finland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, and United States.  Rankings of the United States on the separate indicators are:
  1. 13th (last) for infant mortality

  2. 13th for maternal mortality

  3. 13th for mortality from Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, ages 30-70

  4. 13th for mortality from hazardous chemicals

  5. 12th for mortality attributed to household and ambient air pollution

  6. 9th for mortality from suicide

  7. 13th for adolescent birth rate

  8. 13th for life expectancy at birth for females

  9. 13th for life expectancy at birth for males

  10. 13th for mortality from homicide

  • #1 for government health care expenditure

  • #1 for Universal health coverage

All numbers are updated for 2015-17 (4)

health careCommon explanations for this poor performance fail to implicate the health care system. The perception is that the American public “behaves badly” by smoking, drinking, and perpetrating violence.

The data shows other-wise, at least relatively.  The proportion of females who smoke ranges from 14% in Japan to 41% in Denmark; in the United States, it is 24% (fifth best).  For males, the range is from 26% in Sweden to 61% in Japan; it is 28% in the United States (third best).

The data for alcohol consumption is similar: the United States ranks fifth best.  Thus, although tobacco use and alcohol use in excess are clearly harmful to health, they do not account for the relatively poor health of the UnitedStates. Poor diet is associated with an increase in mortality, but the United States has relatively low consumption of animal fats (fifth lowest) and the third lowest mean cholesterol concentrations  among 13 industrialized countries. (5)

Is it possible that meat and cholesterol are blamed for the hurt of the incredibly wealthy processed food industry and the billion dollar statin drug market?

Is it possible that the real explanation for the poor health in America is corporate capitalistic greed that creates a conflict of interest for medical and health care providers.

Alternative medicineDr. Stone can verify that!  He was terminated from insurance for healing a medical condition!

Decisions about how to care for sickness and disease are being made based on profitability rather than what is best for health and healing:

• 12000 deaths/year from unnecessary surgery • 7000 deaths/year from medication errors in hospitals • 20000 deaths/year from other errors in hospitals • 80000 deaths/year from nosocomial infections in hospitals • 106000 deaths/year from non-error, adverse effects of medications (6)

Surgery dramatically increases billable services.  Errors increase because experienced nurses are let go for new graduates and lower salaries.  Errors increase because hospitals are under staffed and over stuffed with patients.  Antibiotic resistance is a result of significant over-prescription of  antibiotics.

The AMA teaches our culture to fear Alternative Medicine.  Could it be because Pharmaceuticals are a Trillion Dollar per year industry!

The body count is 225,000 deaths per year from “iatrogenic” or doctor-caused-death.

That constitutes the third leading cause of death in the United States, after heart disease and cancer.

That does not include adverse effects that are associated with disability or discomfort.

It’s estimated that 18% experience adverse effects after receiving outpatient medical care.  Wow! Two people out of ten are hurt from using medical care!? Side effects of medical care result in 116 million extra physician visits, 77 million extra prescriptions, 17 million emergency department visits, 8 million hospitalizations, 3 million long-term admissions, 199,000 additional deaths, and $77 billion in extra costs (equivalent to the aggregate cost of care of patients with diabetes). (7)

We pay 77 Billion per year for the side effects of pharmaceuticals.

Mother NatureDoctors give pharmaceuticals for the side effects of pharmaceuticals?!?

The high degree of income inequality also contributes to the poor health of America.  Science documents the clear adverse effects of low socioeconomic status on health. (8) Among the 13 countries included in the international comparison mentioned above, the US position on income inequality is 11th (third worst).  Sweden ranks the best on income equality, matching its high position for health indicators.

The United States ranks low on both income inequality and health.

If we desire improved health we must consider:

The health care system.  What a manly concept to fight disease.  Feminine wisdom teaches us than nothing has ever healed from fighting.  Silly boys.

Health care is not supposed to cause medical problems.  Medicine and Pharmaceuticals try to recreate the effects of Plant Medicines in a laboratory using modern synthetic chemistry.  Roughly half of all pharmaceuticals produced in the last 30 years are derived from plant medicines. I have read hundreds of studies of plant medicines and rarely see a warning or caution about side effects.  There are certain plants you cannot take under certain circumstances, such as pregnancy, but try to find a documented case of plant medicines causing death. Thirteen people died in 2016 from ingesting poisonous mushrooms.  Healers don’t use them as medicine.

Yet, receiving the correct pharmaceutical for your condition results 106,000 deaths per year!?  290 people per day.

Perhaps something is lost in the translation to synthetic chemical.  Side effects, warnings and cautions were invented by trying to recreate nature.

Is the cost of side effects paid off with improved results?  Better Medicine??

Pain, Inflammation, and Arthritis medicine accounts for 16,500 deaths per year.  Frankincense, Ginger, Turmeric, and Devils Claw are plant based medicines that were rated better than Celebrex and Advil in side by side testing.  Plant medicines cause an average of zero deaths per year.  (9)

Xanax is considered to be more addictive than heroin and Lexapro comes with a suicide warning.



Skullcap, Lemon Balm, Passion Flower, St. John’s Wort, and Ashwaghanda are proven to work for anxiety and depression, with no side effects.  In fact, there are several listed side benefits! (10, 11) Dandelion, Peony, Cinnamon, Yarrow, and Sage create a Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been used for over 1800 years for female tumors and fibroids.  It has been tested by clinical trial over 20 times and proven to shrink tumors and fibroids. (12) Yi Gan San is a Japanese Medicine that was formulated 5oo years ago for overly sensitive and easily upset children.  In 2009 it was tested against “treatment resistant Schizophrenia” and significantly relieved “anxiety, tension, depressive mood, hostility, suspiciousness, motor retardation, uncooperativeness, and mania.” (13)

Nature offers safe and effective medicine for Heartburn, GERD and acid reflux, but Pharmaceutical companies profit 14 billion per year for medicine that increases heart disease and dementia. (14)

Nature offers more effective medicine than Vancomycin and Valtrex for chronic viral infections, yet the Pharmaceutical versions of medicine earn over 300 Million per year. (15) Heart Disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, followed by Cancer, Medical Care, and then chronic Respiratory Disease.  Astragalus and Red Clover have proven multiple times that they reverse the inflammation and lung damage of COPD and Emphysema. (16)

Nature cannot reverse Profit Over People.  People have to become Aware.

Nature has safe and effective medicine for allergies, thyroid disease, diabetes, chronic venous insufficiency, cystic acnecold and flu, menopause, PMS/PMDD, and insomnia.

The relationships between income inequality and conflicts of interest from corporatealternative medicine profit in hospitals, insurers, and pharmaceutical manufacturers explains our last place finish in health and healing, and first place ranking in insuring and profiting.

We have to acknowledge the harmful effects of medical care, and that it accounts for a substantial number of deaths, expense due to side effects and contributes to income inequality.

When did Natural become the “Alternative” Medicine!?

It looks like about 100 years ago.  Nature ruled healing for 5000 years, and then the Pharmacy was created. Dr.Stone  

Find Your Healing Trend!

What does it take to heal?

Exactly What You Need.  Healing = Meeting Needs. 

To heal a broken heart, you need love, acceptance, and time.  And that’s just my best guess.  I’ve never had a patient write after “Primary Condition/Symptom”:  broken heart.

In my experience, every condition or disease, and even people with the same disease, have unique needs.

I’ve been able to figure exactly what all of these diseases and conditions needed.  I healed them all with plant medicines and my hands.  No not like Jesus, but I used acupressure to help the plants’ nourishing and healing attributes.

Raynaud’s  Disease, Graves Disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroid Disease, Allergic Dermatitis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Food Allergies, Migraines, Telogen Effluvium, Parkinson’s, Seizures, Ulcerative Colitis, Appendicitis, Scleroderma, Cancer, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Memory Loss/Dementia, Heart Failure, Infertility and PCOS, PMDD, Lyme Disease with Regional Pain Syndrome, Asthma, Allergies, Panic Attacks, Insomnia, IBS, Diverticulitis, Gall Stones, Kidney Stones, AddictionsBorderline Personality Disorder, Schizophrenia, Addiction,  Major Depression, Sciatica.

 Plus a Terminal Illness and I’ve Helped the Blind to See!

Most of them just a time or two, because “Real” Doctors manage these incurable diseases, tell people with these diseases to give up hope or lower your expectations, or cut it out of you because it’s just causing problems.

If you’d prefer healing over managing symptoms, giving up hope for more, or destroying your problems

I came up with my next best step to share the healing I’ve witnessed.

True Health Shop, menopauseI call it “Exactly What You NEED.”

I’ll provide the medicine.  You use your hands with my guidance.

I’ll do my best to formulate the perfect medicine for your body, mind, and spirit needs.  I’ll include a short acupressure routine to soothe your stress and strengthen your vulnerabilities.

And I’ll put my money on the line.  If you aren’t happy with the results, I’ll refund your purchase and thank you for giving Nature a try.

You cannot lose.  Either you find the healing trend you wish for, which means that how you feel is trending better, or I’ll return your money and you’re no worse off for trying.

Here’s all I need… (You can use our contact form on the contact page above, or when you click add to cart, there’s a box for “special instructions”)

The location, description, and intensity of discomfort (symptom/complaint).  Most intense to least intense if more than one.

The worst and best times of day and year.

How sleep works for you.  Trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, wake up groggy, vs good sleep and good morning energy?

How energy works for you.  Trouble getting started, crash after lunch, fall asleep at dinner, or watching a movie vs great energy right up until I need to go to bed.

The more descriptive you are the better our chances of success.  No history though, only what you feel and experience right now!  That’s all that matters to healing anyway!

Are you willing to Take a Chance,
for the possibility of Healing, Risk Free?

Click Here to Purchase “Exactly What You Need to Heal!

With Love and Healing,

Dr. Todd Stone