Wood Needs Water

Water Symptoms and Conditions

Water organs, of course, are the kidneys and bladder.  Water conditions are pressure and flow problems.  Swelling, edema, and high blood pressure.  Pressure causing pinched nerves, and inability to move from awake to asleep, aka insomnia.

A healthy Water energy allows healthy fluid and pressure regulation and moving into sleep with ease.  Water gives us the flexibility to flow with the changes.  It allows you to assess risk and benefits, and use good judgment in making decisions.

Water energy develops through encouragement and reassurance in the face of fear or doubt.  Without encouragement to keep moving, or worse, being told you are wrong in trying, or to discourage trying, freezes water in fear, which our culture calls paralysis by analysis.

A wounded Water energy is afraid of abandonment, so will hold no boundaries, and be walked on like a doormat.  So every relationship feels like dirty shoes, and ends in disappointment or betrayal.

In our culture, if a doormat stands up to care for herself, she is called selfish.

Water controls Fire, so a healthy use of Water energy is to absorb love and stretch, bend and flex to express and protect heart desire in yourself and your loves.   Nobody desires being a doormat.

If you can relate to any of that, here is how to balance your energy and Water Element.

Massage all these points on the left side, then the right side, doing the Conception vessel point as a connector for both sides.

TH-5 Outer Pass; SI-7 Branch to the Correct/Upright: This point is known for bringing warmth to a cold heart or body.  Warmth to un-freeze your forward movement, and forgive your caretakers for not encouraging it in the first place. (TH is aka SJ)

BL-64 Capital Bone: This point is used as a first aid point for bee stings on the face or neck.  It stings to teach you to doubt your instincts and intuition, you were just following your heart.  This point soothes the fear of making a bad choice, or God forbid, a mistake.  We learn from mistakes, so start making more.

GB-43 Clamped Ravine: Helps cool down anger and resentment, and teaches us that the purpose of anger is to make a change, or cross a ravine.  This point makes that change easier!

KI-3 Supreme Stream: The most powerful point to strengthen the Yin, or feminine.  Yin allows you to see all perspectives, even hurtful ones!  Desperate.  Scared.  This point expands your ability to see why people take, control and hurt.

LV-8 Spring at the Bend:  This point helps relieve dampness (fluid, phlegm, heaviness) in the “lower burner” from the belly button to genitals.  Discouragement is kinda like a kick in the gonads, and this point helps relieve that pain.

LV-5 Wormwood Canal:  I’ve not ever checked, but this point is credited with affecting penis length.  The benefit of a dick is pleasure and reproduction.  The benefit of hurt is strength.  Heal yourself and own your strength.

CV-3 Central Pole: This point is indicated for water retention, especially if you warm the point with Moxa.  Moxa is a plant that is wrapped into a stick and burned to warm the skin and acu-points.  Excess water feels heavy, and frozen water feels afraid.  You have now warmed up and let go of the heaviness, and ready to be your value!

The value of Water is the Ruler, a masculine archetype that holds the boundaries of feminine value, and the Innocent, the feminine archetype teaching the values and principles of femininity.  Nobody Left Behind.  The Greater Good.  Make Love not War.

SP-21 Great Lou; SP-9 Yin Mound Spring: Lou kinda means hug, to love all parts and balance the feminine and masculine.  Love only hurts to protect survival.  Yin Mound Spring helps release the heaviness in the lower burner and use your gonads to be brave!

LU-5 Cubit Marsh: The water point on Lung channel, this point cleanses and purifies, blowing off toxicity and breathing in your inspired vision for your life!


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