Entries by Dr. Todd Stone

Earth Archetypes

Earth is the season of “harvest” Oh, I know that isn’t really a season, but in terms of the flow of energy in Nature, aka Natural Law, that was a point of distinction.  Not a full season, but the bounty of all our efforts.  Measuring, literally, “What you sow, you shall reap.”  And then you […]

Metal Archetypes

Metal is the season of Autumn. After harvest, we reflect on our results, we look ahead at improving next season, and we let go of anything not serving that inspired vision.  Including discouragement and self doubt.  Is that self discouragement? The Metal energy in us is developed through validation and the father relationship.  “You are […]

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids

Fish Oil: Scientific Evidence Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs) are considered the highest form of scientific evidence.  A group of people with the same condition are divided into two groups, and randomly assigned to receive the medicine, ie omega-3s, or a placebo.  Neither the patient nor the doctors know which group they are in until the […]

Fenugreek Seed

Fenugreek: Scientific Evidence Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs) are considered the highest form of scientific evidence.  A group of people with the same condition are divided into two groups, and randomly assigned to receive the medicine, ie Fenugreek, or a placebo.  Neither the patient nor the doctors know which group they are in until the results […]