Five Elements

Acupressure for Diabetes

Blood Sugar Regulation and Diabetes Acupressure: Scientific Evidence Can pressing, massaging, or tapping your body (acupressure) influence or stimulate the healing and regulation of your body and blood sugar?  Science says it is so. Electron Physician Aug 2018.  Conclusion: Self-acupressure as a complementary alternative medicine significantly reduced Fasting Blood Sugar and increased insulin levels in type 2 […]


Spanking.  Time out.  Take away.  Belittle. Criticism, instead of encouragement. And those are just the legal ways to hurt innocent children.  Children are still abused and tortured in this day and age.  Although illegal, our cultural leaders don’t appear concerned about the vast numbers of children that disappear every year!  Which is weird, because our […]

Natural Law

Ancient Wisdom taught Natural Law through the Elements. The Five Elements Everything starts at the end.  The end of the year is called Autumn or Fall.  The associated Element is Metal.  We reflect back on our harvest and contemplate our results.  Then consider What Matters Most and plan the next year to harvest more! In […]

Relationship Success

Marriage.  Partnership.  Success? Do you find someone who you can put up with?  Who puts up with you?  And then together, live separate lives…she cares for the kids, and he provides…”just stay out of my business”…with a “sure-thing” dinner date? I want more! Partnership is co-creating, not just procreating.  What do WE want with our […]


Cordyceps Mushroom

Cordyceps: Scientific Evidence Randomized Clinical Trials are considered the highest form of scientific evidence.  A group of people with the same condition are divided into two groups, and randomly assigned to receive the medicine or a placebo.  Neither the patient nor the doctors know which group they are in until the results are assessed. The […]