Relationship Success

Marriage.  Partnership.  Success?

Do you find someone who you can put up with?  Who puts up with you?  And then together, live separate lives…she cares for the kids, and he provides…”just stay out of my business”…with a “sure-thing” dinner date?

I want more!

Partnership is co-creating, not just procreating.  What do WE want with our lives, our children, our selves.  I trust you (we must be vulnerable to each other!) and you trust me.  Because we LOVE each other.  You are a pleasure to me.  I want to hear more about what goes in in your head and heart.  I want to co-create a life with you. 

Archetypes help us understand ourselves, our attributes, strengths, weaknesses, our patterns of behavior, and the emotional trauma that needs to be healed.

I have ALL the acupressure protocols for healing trauma in our Membership site!  $7 per month and you can heal yourself!  Just follow along with the video, or scroll down the page and massage the points yourself!  There are many tutorials on my blog too.  For Free to try and see how you feel!!

Acupressure points have been used for 3000+ years in eastern medicine, so either they are complete idiots, or there is enough VALUE to pass along this wisdom for many generations.  And I happen to know that their health care ranks better than Western Medicine, so it must be wisdom!

Celestial Partners: Notice how these Archetypes sound like children.

The Explorer:  Life is about discovering new things.  Trying something new.  What’s behind the couch?  What happens if you touch this, or if you pull on this?  What will I find if I float across this water, or trek across this mountain?

Explorer individuals are most fulfilled when they can seek out new approaches and perspectives. Naturally independent, authentic, and curious, they’re able to follow unique paths and motivate others to explore uncharted territory. They’re usually excited and challenged by the opportunity to blaze a new trail.

The explorer child in us is wounded by being punished for exploring.  This tends to lead to feeling unsettled, and trading out one adventure for the next, without finishing what was started.  Which makes partnering darn near impossible!  When triggered emotionally, whatever the upset…sad, mad, afraid…the wounded explorer runs for the hills.

Acupressure: Husband Wife Imbalance Protocol.  I put that one available to everyone, because I wish everyone would do this to heal their inner child.

The Magician: This is the “all of life is magical” energy.  OMG, a butterfly!  A tree!  A sunset!  What makes it happen!?!?  It is all so magical.  The magician in us is drawn to nature and the supernatural.  Fantasy and the mysteries of life.

Magician individuals are most fulfilled when they can see a vision realized. Naturally intuitive, insightful, and inspiring, they’re able to perceive and appreciate multiple perspectives and motivate others to believe that anything is possible. They’re usually excited and challenged in times of great transformation and turmoil.

The magician child in us is wounded by being ridiculed or mocked for seeing anything that “the Man” doesn’t acknowledge as right and good.  This tends to lead to looking for something outside of oneself for answers, wishing for a God or Genie to save him/her.  When upset, s/he accesses the wizard or witch, using fear and manipulation to make their wish come true.

It’s ok if you slip up, you need to realign with natural law!  Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth teach us how to hold boundaries peacefully and cooperatively.  You need Nonviolent Communication to avoid battle!  And maybe a trip to DrStone to heal your wounded spirit!!  I’m very practiced at healing touch and healing medicine.  God’s Medicine!

Click the Archetype to read more about them by Carol Pearson, PhD.

relationship successMetal Partners:

The Creator:  The provider.  The partner who makes stuff, and makes money.  Security.  Maybe comfort.  Maybe, with encouragement, s/he creates luxury. 

Creator individuals are most fulfilled by seeing new ideas take shape. Naturally expressive, original, and imaginative, they enjoy demonstrating their inventiveness and often are able to motivate creative thinking in others. They’re usually excited and challenged by opportunities to express themselves or advance new ideas.

Watch out dude, if your creator left you feeling less than, unimportant, or not good enough, you will be striving for perfection, and try to fix people so that you feel deserving.  When upset, you work harder and harder and make sure everyone knows how hard you work. 

Earth teaches us to relax into our value.  Success will come if you focus on what matters most.

The Sage:  The wisdom of the intuitive feminine.  The partner who knows, intuitively, what the children need.  What her man needs.  And with practice, she can predict the future.  Listen to her.  She feels what is coming.  And can guide your partnership away from the path of disaster.

Sage individuals are most fulfilled by finding the answers to great questions. Naturally intelligent, knowledgeable, and reflective, they demonstrate the value of thinking things through and motivate others to seek the truth. They’re usually excited and challenged by situations and problems that need to be better understood.

Watch out dude, if your creator left you feeling less than, unimportant, or not good enough, you will hide your value, clench your jaw (won’t speak your mind/heart), and put up… because nobody listens anyway.  So you will always worry.  If you get upset you will act all superior, “I knew better than you all the time.”  And careful of too much masculine, black and white, right and wrong, which prevents curious observation. 

I mean, lets get grounded in reality here.  Nobody knows for sure what is right, without testing for themselves.  Gentle guidance, not control.

Its ok if you slip up, you will know by feeling like you are surrounded by infants (immaturity), which teaches us that we need the Energy of Empowerment!  “Oh no, that sounds frustrating.  What are you going to do about it?

Acupressure: Water Needs Metal.  If you are surrounded by infants, these points help strengthen and balance your Metal Energy, which sharpens your boundaries.  If we take on anyone else’s responsibility, our stress capacity is burdened and we make the other person less responsible.  Not good!

Water Partners:

The Ruler:  The creator of boundaries, the protector of innocence and feminine values and principles.  The leader of a culture or community.

Ruler individuals are most fulfilled when they can demonstrate leadership, orchestrate complex situations, and/or use their influence to make things work better. Naturally confident, competent, and responsible, they enjoy demonstrating their savvy and motivating others to maintain high standards. They’re usually excited and challenged by opportunities to take charge of a situation.

Watch out dude, if your daddy left you feeling invalidated, you will tend to “do as you’re told,” even if it doesn’t serve your heart or the greater good. And try to do more, aka the overachiever or Workaholic.  Just another addiction.  When you feel upset, you will dictate or judge.  And you don’t want to create clones, you want to create unique gifts of god.  Being right prevents creative solutions that make sure all needs are met. 

Metal teaches us to slow down and reflect on the results and set goals for the next season.

By definition, invalidation is the process of denying, rejecting or dismissing someone’s feelings. Invalidation sends the message that a person’s subjective emotional experience is inaccurate, insignificant, and/or unacceptable.  But you cannot “feel” like someone is bad or wrong.  Non-violent Communication teaches you how to share feelings without blaming.  

The Idealist/Innocent: The teacher of Feminine Values and Principles.  Protect the innocent.  She will let the Ruler know when it is time to use force, to protect the innocent.  Nobody left behind.  

Idealist individuals are most fulfilled when their lives are based on their deeply held values and beliefs. Naturally idealistic, optimistic, and hopeful, they often demonstrate perseverance in the face of obstacles and motivate others to trust that everything will turn out well in the end. They’re most excited and challenged by opportunities to put their personal values into action.

But watch out dude, if your daddy left you feeling invalidated, you will cling to ideals, and nobody will be good enough, or your loyalty may leave you vulnerable.  Gullible.  When upset, your ideals become rigid, or you escape into dream land.  Grounded in reality allows us to notice our problems and create solutions.  I mean, you gotta stay focused on what matters most. 

It’s ok if you slip up, you will know by feeling disappointment, broken promises, or betrayal, which teaches that you need the Energy of Asking or Inquiring!  “Would you be willing to…?”  “How do you feel about this, what do you think…?”

Acupressure: Wood Needs WaterIf you feel like people not keeping their word is big in your life, this strengthens and balances your Water Energy.  Flexible yes, but you always get what you want.  Water finds a way.  And never apologize!  Water is the most Yin or Feminine Element so its way always serves the greater good and never leaves anyone behind!  Too much masculine and there is a tendency to trample to get what you want!

Wood Partners: 

The Jester:  The creator of fun and laughter.  S/He uses wit and humor to influence. 

Jesters are most fulfilled when they can use their ingenuity and wit. Naturally playful, spontaneous, and humorous, they enjoy light-hearted truth-telling and can motivate others to see the value of fun. They’re usually excited and challenged by opportunities to lighten up stressful situations.

Watch out dude, if you lacked reassurance and encouragement, you will use humor to avoid or distract, and “proof” to to persuade others.  The convincer, trying desperately to convince, isn’t funny.  When you get upset, you get sarcastic and sabotage your own best interests. 

Water teaches us to be flexible, and find the path of least resistance to reach our goal.

The Lover:  S/He understands what a heart needs.  What a heart needs to be healthy and happy, to give and receive love in all types of relationships.  Healthy, gentle but firm, boundaries.  The protector and caregiver of hearts.

Lover individuals are most fulfilled by building relationships. Naturally appreciative, passionate, and committed, they enjoy creating consensus and motivating others to see and utilize their own special gifts. They’re usually excited and challenged by opportunities to enjoy the richness and fullness of life.

Watch out dude, if you lacked reassurance and encouragement, you will use your gift to try to please people, ewww, the people pleaser!!  And will have the tendency toward dramatics.  You know, like when your partner doesn’t text back fast enough, and you imagine the absolute worst possible circumstance.  Umm, yeah, thats not healthy!!  When you get upset, you will blame others for not doing their work, and accuse them of negative intention. “You are trying to destroy this partnership!”

It’s ok if you slip up, you will know by feeling bossiness and overbearing control, even abuse, which teaches that you need the Energy of Teaching!  “If you want… (anything), this is how you get me to do it.”   Sorry, the feminine has to teach the masculine consideration!  I didn’t make the rules, I just observed them in nature and my healing practice!

Acupressure: Fire Needs Wood  If you get bossed around, this is the energy you need to strengthen and balance your Wood Energy, and create a structure to win, and an environment of warmth.

Fire Partners: 

The Warrior/Hero:  The force (police, guards), if needed for protecting innocence.  S/He hunts and teaches warrior skills, if everyone is safe. 

Warrior individuals are most fulfilled when they can rise to and overcome a challenge. Naturally determined, achievement-oriented, and focused, they enjoy demonstrating a winning attitude and often can motivate others to achieve their goals. They’re usually excited and challenged by the opportunity to prevail against the odds.

Watch out dude, if you lacked healthy boundaries, you tend to defend injustice to your own detriment.  Too much sacrifice hurts.  Just be healthy.  When you get upset, you offend and destroy the opposition or competition.  Natural Law say no force unless your survival or wellbeing are threatened.  Hurtful words just need the Energy of Teaching.  “It sounds like you are trying to give me advice…if you’d like to give me advice, then tell me what you did and how it improved your results.

Wood teaches us that words can never hurt, and never justify hurting others.  You may defend with force if your survival or wellbeing is threatened.

The Caretaker:  The safe place.  Nurturing emotional needs.  Soothing hurts and wounds.  Taking care of her children and warriors needs and desires. 

Caregiver individuals are most fulfilled when they can make a difference for someone else. Naturally compassionate, nurturing, and dedicated, they enjoy demonstrating their supportiveness and can motivate others to provide better service or care. They’re usually excited and challenged by responding to needs.

Watch out dude, if you lacked healthy boundaries, you tend to give too much and sacrifice your own heart desire, leading to being taken for granted, and even blamed for other peoples problems.  When you get upset, you ‘give advice’ through criticism, and ‘help’ by enabling unhealthy behavior.  

It’s ok if you slip up, you will know by feeling unappreciated, taken for granted, or blamed for other peoples problems, which teaches you that you need the Energy of AcquiringIt just means that you do things that make you smile and laugh.

Acupressure: Earth Needs Fire. If you feel taken for granted or blamed, this protocol strengthens and balances your Fire Energy, and the connection to your heart desire.  When they see you doing what you want, they will suddenly NEED you.  And knowing you, you will probably help them and they will appreciate you again.

Earth Partners:

The Revolutionary, or the Outlaw in a world where you are bad or wrong if you disagree with “the Man”:  The finder of new ways.  Better ways.  Ways that include all, and s/he shares the better way with all.

Revolutionary individuals are most fulfilled when they can change something that they feel needs to be changed. Often unconventional thinkers who can develop new, cutting-edge approaches, they enjoy challenging the status quo and motivating others to think differently. They’re usually excited and challenged when they can take on tried-and-true methods or ways.

Watch out dude, if you felt left out or abandoned, you will tend to be contrary, to rebel against the mainstream, and feel unsatisfied with the way things are.  When upset, you fight the trends, or anything anyone else wants, and feel like nobody is on your side.

Fire teaches us to share warmth and beauty, and the more you share the greater your harvest.

The Everyperson: Takes care of everyones needs, like teaching children, keeping normal life running on schedule, and making sure that everyone is included…nobody left behind.

Everyperson individuals are most fulfilled by helping others belong and fit in to the group. Naturally empathetic, unpretentious, and resilient, they often demonstrate their common touch and can motivate others to try hard to do their best. They’re usually excited and challenged when everyone needs to pitch in and solve a problem.

Watch out dude, if you felt left out or abandoned, you will tend to sellout your own values and principles, or endanger your life to be accepted.  When upset, your loyalty turns into battle against “the Man.”

It’s ok if you slip up, you will know when you feel people avoiding you or backing away.  It just means that you need the Energy of AttractionShare your beauty and warmth!

Acupressure:  Metal Needs Earth. If you feel alone, this is the protocol that takes you from feeling not good enough to finding and embracing your innate value.  I think that your perspective is your gift from God.  Just share it nicely.  “When I took Echinacea and Albizia, now in True Allergy Relief, I now barely ever suffer from allergy symptoms!”

If you still get blowback, use the Apology Protocol.  Apologize for their hurt or upset regardless of your intentions.  If you were upset, your intention was likely to hurt.  Then describe how you imagine it felt to be on the receiving end of your upset.  And finally, tell them how you wish you would have used NonViolent Communication and actions.  Read the four steps and consider first, so you actually know how it would sound!  If you did not intend to hurt or upset, just say, “Sorry, that was not my intention.”

Water Controls Fire.  Gently, without putting out the fire.  Just to control burn out!  The fiery Farm Girl and the soft DrStone.  The Warrior of Kindness and the Healer Caretaker who turns NO ONE away.  Care Without Expectation.  A ‘giving’ kind of love.  “I’ll go first.  Accept my Loving Care and Kindness.  No expectations.”

To balance the masculine ‘taking’ kind of love.  “What do I get from you.  Oh, I love that.”

Power to the people, Stick it to the MAN!  -Captain Fantastic


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