Earth Needs Fire

Fire Symptoms and Conditions

This is an acupressure routine designed to help people with Fire Symptoms, including thyroid problems, pain and inflammation, hormone imbalances, or a broken heart (heart failure).

On an emotional level, it helps when we are feeling muddled, confused, vulnerable, lost or helpless.

A healthy Fire energy provides a healthy immune system, energy production, a strong heart and intuition, and the vitality of healthy hormones.  Heart Desire and Gut Intuition.

It allows us to give and receive love in every kind of relationship, and share your passion with others.

Fire energy develops through feeling included and accepted by others.  In our competitive masculine culture, we are never completely accepted, because there is always an opponent.  In a feminine culture, every perspective is considered a gift of God, and the perspective that anyone else is bad or wrong is not allowed.

If someone breaks Natural Law and hurts someone, by criticizing, taking, controlling or hurting physically, the entire culture says STOP, Not Ok.  And that person must go to the medicine man, the healer.

If we leave people out, or don’t accept them for who they are, they tend to try to prove themselves through service or sacrifice, or they join the battle and hurt someone else.  Sacrifice leads to hurting or exhausting yourself, and battle leads to injury or death.

Fire controls Metal, so we use our Fire energy to shape What Matters Most in life.  If we sacrifice, then what matters is getting approval.  If we battle, what matters most is hurting the opponent.

If you can relate to any of that, here is how you balance your energy and Fire!

Massage all these points on the left side, then the right side, doing the Conception vessel point as a connector for both sides.

LI-6 Veering Passageway: The Lou (Partner Hug) point of Large Intestine, this point brings inspiration (Lung) to letting go (Large Intestine).  Being left out, rejection…is sad, but it’s time to move on.

SI-4 Wrist Bone; TH-4 Yang Pool:  Yang is the masculine, and pool represents stored resources.  These are the source points of the Masculine Fire, and bring strength to your vulnerability, helplessness, and confusion.

ST-41 Ravine Divide: The tonification point, which means it pulls energy from Fire, the Mother, bringing passion and heart desire to your Earth energy, which is your Value.  Being left out or abandoned feels LOW…insignificant or unimportant.  Your significance is your heart desire, and your Value is its Gift.

HT-7 Spirit Gate; CX-7 Great Mound:  HT-7 is known as the courage point.  The courage to look carefully at why you weren’t included or accepted.  Was it because you were trying too hard?  Pushing people away?  Were the others afraid that you were bad or wrong?  Why?

SP-2 Great Metropolis:  This point is considered beneficial for intellectual energy and strengthens the brain.  The Regulator of Body.  In this masculine culture, people push away from different.  Different is good.  Imagine a world where everyone was the same.  You couldn’t ask for or offer help, because they would have the identical resources.  We’d be stuck.  And your different is exactly what we need.

SP-4 Grandfather Grandson: This point is used for when we feel there is nothing up ahead.  Being left out strengthens your search for Love, if you heal the hurt of abandonment.

CV-7 Yin Intersection:  This point gives you big Gonads.  Testicular fortitude to give your life for Feminine Values.  The greater good.  Nobody left behind.  The masculine Warrior.  And the strength to birth and care for Life, the feminine Caretaker.

And to teach the Masculine that war only is necessary when we are in danger.  Criticism is harmless.  Sticks and Stones may break your bones, but words can never harm us.  That is no reason for lives to be lost…

KI-2 Blazing Valley:  The Fire point of Water, it heals the damage of war, and fortifies the energy of pursuit of happiness.  What matters most.

LV-2 Moving Between: This point is used to calm all RIGID boundaries that don’t serve the Greater Good, so you can care for and protect all perspectives.  And strengthens the boundary that you may NOT hurt innocence.  And if they did not harm you, control you, or take from you, they are just a critical dick.

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