
It’s All In Your Head!!

I have had patients who were told their problems are all in their head

…sometimes not very tactfully.  The Five Elements is a healing philosophy and science that might shed some light on the meaning of it’s all in your head.

Quantum physicsBegin by getting into your head.

The Five Elements teaches that your thoughts are a form of energy just like words, and your brain is the Creator of your experience.  If you feel pain, your environment must be interpreted as painful by your brain.  If you feel love, your environment must be loving.  Because your Brain receives and responds perfectly.

What symptoms, conditions, or diseases would you consider to be “all in your head?”

Many people would say anxiety and depression.  There’s nothing physically wrong, right?  Some people would say fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, or any illness that you cannot “see it to believe it.”

in your headHow about Phantom Limb Pain?  That has to be all in your head, since the body part has gone to heaven.

What about Thyroid problems or Cancer?  These are conditions we can see evidence of or literally see or feel.  If you can see a number shifted on a lab, a lump on a scan, or feel a bump on your body, most would agree, NOW it’s NOT all in your head.

You can see high or low hormone levels in Thyroid conditions, but if you look closely, there is nothing wrong with the thyroid gland.  It looks normal.  With Cancer, you can clearly see that there is something physically wrong!

The Five Elements teaches that it is always all in your head, and beyond.

This healing philosophy teaches that dis-ease can begin in the body, mind, or spirit, and no matter where it originates, it will affect all levels.

With depression there is nothing to see, so it’s all in your head, but the number one cause of depression is low thyroid which is below your head.  The number one cause of low thyroid is stress, which is all in your head, or is it in the adrenal glands?  Either way, cortisol bathes your body in fight or flee tension, but your adrenal glands are regulated by the pituitary which is in your head.

When we think of stress, we tend to think of worry and upset, but body stress includes junk food, infections, and anemia.  Well, unless you have a sinus infection which is in your head, but not in your brain.

Pushing beyond your physical capacity is a body stress, unless you consider not being smart enough to stop a problem with the head.

The Five Elements says life stress includes disruption, criticism, being ignored, facing ignorance, and unfairness.  Are those stressors in our mind, body, or spirit?  I’d describe it more as an environmental stress, so we can add pollution and toxicity.  Or include it under “facing ignorance.”

Cancer is caused by Carcinogens, which is pollution from billion dollar corporations and medicine.  But you can see it, so even if it’s brain cancer, it’s a physical problem.

I’ve personally helped two people with cancer find healing, using cleansing and detoxifying nutrients and plants.  If we the people are putting Carcinogens into our homes and environment, clearly this problem is all in our head.

My head is starting to hurt.  I wonder if it’s from toxins in our environment, inflammation in my brain, stress and tension in my body, worry and frustration in my mind, or a broken spirit?

What are people even saying, when they say, “It’s all in your head.”

It’s not about location is it.  They are calling your experience a lie.  They don’t believe you because they can’t explain it in their tiny little minds.

Now I’m feeling depressed.  You CAN see depression physically in the posture, and on brain scan.  The brain scan of a depressed person looks like low electrical activity and blood flow to the frontal cortex.  The brain is depressed.

What alters brain activity and blood flow?  Blood flow is regulated by hormones from the BODY.  Of course the brain regulates the glands to increase or decrease production of hormones.  Electrical activity is regulated by body movement and feeling, which releases chemicals called Neurotransmitters in the BRAIN.

in your headThe Five Elements teaches that when your environment changes, your body changes.  When your body changes your brain changes; and when your mind, thoughts, and emotions change, your spirit changes.  And every level affects every level.

Functional Neurology teaches that your brain functions to survive, thrive and expand.  The Five Elements teaches that your brain is your connection to your Creator.

So, if your brain regulates your hormones and neurotransmitters toward depression, how the heck does that improve the probability of survival?  Contemplate that for a minute.  By design, it has to be true!

I’m not our Creator, but basic logic suggest that your mind-body-spirit is telling you to slow down and notice something!   The Five Elements teaches that you need to look for your value.  You didn’t forget that you are a gift of God, did you???  Or, you need to let go of something, which may be a someone.

Cancer is clearly a “real” problem that we can see and feel.  But if you trace to the root, we know that there are three built in mechanisms to destroy cell mutation.  The first two lines of defense are within the cell, coded in the DNA as self destruct genes.  

The third line of defense is our immune system, in particular our Natural Killer Cells and Cytotoxic T Cells.  These little destroyers target mutated cells and kill on sight.  If your immune system is weak, and your cellular genetic aging process is accelerated by oxidation, the mutated cells become the survivors and thrive in your weakened state, expanding into a tumor.  

The primary reason for accelerated genetic aging and a weakened immune system is stress, which we know can be environmental, physical, mental, or spiritual.  A lack of Faith.

Our leaders allow Billion dollar corporations to create and use chemicals that they know are harmful, but rationalize their actions to enjoy their wealth.  I call that ignorance Profit Over People. 

Balance of environment requires that we love each other enough to look out for the greater good.  Our people and planet.  A true leader of the free world would not accumulate wealth when his people, his children, don’t have enough to survive.  A True Leader would die for the greater good. 

We all NEED TO CHECK OUR HEADS for what we are accepting as our reality.  And CHECK OUR HEART and Gut Intuition, to get straight with Natural Law!

When a Doctor tells you it’s all in your head, they don’t know how to explain what you are experiencing or what they are seeing.  If a doctor tells you that it is always in your head, and beyond, they probably understand Natural Law.  They may refer to themselves as a healer, and will probably be able to help you!

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