Safe and Effective Medicine for…

Why can’t we say the C-Words, without risk of legal consequences?

Canker?  Corona Mexican Ale?  The Cure (clearly a 90s alt-rock band)!?

I was threatened, “we will seize your property,” for sharing a study from the National Library of Medicine reporting that Bupleurum significantly inhibited Corona Mexican Ale.  It took about 3 weeks for the FDA to locate my blog and draft warning letters to our business.

We don’t want to ‘inhibit C-Word,’ we want to sell pharmaceuticals.  Don’t you understand how America works!?!?

We don’t want to heal or resolve Canker.  Have you seen the economic VALUE of canker treatment for our culture?

That is called Profit Over People.

Do you believe that Nurse Mildred was a snake oil salesman doing her best to con America and make away with her cash?  If you do, why does the AMA, Big Pharma, Big Medicine, and Big Cancer have all the money?

Why does the AMA have an active Federal Court Order to cease and desist “conspiring to destroy natural alternatives?”

Why has Big Pharma been found guilty of criminal and fraudulent charges, some that have resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, including the targeting of children with antidepressants, while knowing that it significantly increases suicidal thoughts and ideation?

How can Big Pharma commit criminal and civil injustices, pay a fine and keep doing business like nothing happened, while I was threatened to be shut down for copying and pasting a study from the National Library of Medicine!?

Why was my insurance reimbursement, 70% of my family’s income, revoked for “helping a woman with a medical condition!?!?”

I support your right to choose to take mustard gas and immune suppressive pharmaceuticals.  If you ask me, I’d tell you that it is very unhealthy, but your right.  And the right of Big Pharma to conduct business.

I do not support the money and power hungry efforts to destroy natural healing, which it is evident that the AMA has done since it’s inception.

Here’s the abridged version of the Hoxsey story.  Click here to try Harry’s Formula for yourself.  It has other cancer fighters besides Harry’s, the worlds best according to history and tradition.  Science won’t allow anything but pharmaceuticals to be scientifically evaluated, so you’ll have to take the word of Nurse Mildred and thousands of happy patients.  It was never considered hurtful, so there’s really no down side of trying!

This is the full movie length version.

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