The Energy of Empowerment

The Five Energy Needs

The Five Elements Philosophy is an observation of natural rhythms, cycles and energy flow. It is called the five ELEMENTs because it begins with the basic essences of nature, fire, earth, metal (mineral), water, and wood.

A basic nature observation is the shift of seasons. Fire is associated with summer, earth with late summer, the time of harvest, metal with fall, water with winter, and wood with spring.

Metal: The energy of empowerment

Empower = to give power or authority, to give ability, as in “response-ability.”

This is the energy of the richness of experience…wisdom. A wise guru teaches their students to fish, so they can own a resource and fulfill their own needs. A wise guru allows (perhaps enjoys) their students pain of failure, knowing that their pain is growth. A wise guru always knows, or asks, when the student is ready for direction.

If you need this energy, you will observe immaturity, selfishness, and even helplessness in your relationships. You likely have an adult that is dependent on you to provide the basic essentials of life…food, clothing, shelter.

Increasing this energy begins with accountability…let them clean up their own messes. If one of our children spills something, we might encourage them… “it’s ok, you can fix this” …show them where the spill towels are…and watch over them as they clean it up, guiding them to a missed spot. Sometimes they are stuck in upset…perhaps their root beer spilled, a valuable asset. We might soothe and teach how to calm down… “take a deep breath.” We might acknowledge their loss…how disappointing it is…that they love root beer. We might give them the words to ask for another root beer, or if the root beer is out, something of equal value. If there is nothing to replace the root beer, we teach them how to be disappointed with 5% more grace.

We start with nothing…we poop our pants…we have NO resources…NOTHING…and everything must be taught…including how to nurse. If you have attracted infants into your life, you must adopt this same attitude.

Do your best to not get upset about their mess. Why would you…it belongs to them. The mess is not your responsibility, but teaching them how to clean it up is.

When the child becomes an adult, you have taught many lessons. Now it is time to step back and allow them to use the resources you have gifted them. Now you hold back…when the milk is spilled, you ask, “What are you going to do?” You encourage… “You can do this.” If the struggle continues, you might offer your assistance. “Do you remember where the spill towels are? Would you like me to tell you?” And sometimes the spill is sooo overwhelming, you might offer help… “Would you like me to help you fix this.”

How To EMPOWER…step by step…

It is an innate desire, perhaps even an emotional need, to be helpful to others. Contribution is an essential energy that flows into significance and love/connection, energizing the caretaker, receiver and the relationship.

But…there is nothing more exhausting than trying to help someone who doesn’t want help. For both sides!

So, what do you do? It’s a fact that people will tell you their problems. It’s also a fact that it doesn’t mean they want your help.

One more fact…some people even make a career out of complaining about their life…and seem committed to NOT doing something different (which happens to be the ONLY way to get a different result!).

There are still others who are clearly heading into disaster, yet don’t see their negative direction.

We can still be helpful to those people, and all people, while protecting your energy from chronic complainers…what to know how? Let’s take an example.

Your friend (let’s name her Carol) is struggling with depression, fatigue, and muscle pain all over. When she calls, she does nothing but complain about her health, her husband, kids, job, politics, food, and anything she can think of. You are exhausted by the time you end the call, not because of the complaining, but because you want to help her, and either strain to not say anything (because you know how poorly it has gone in the past), or you actually try to convince her to do something different, which doesn’t go well…AGAIN.

The first thing you have to change is your mindset. Realize that everyone has pain (of some sort), and that their growth process is dependent on that pain reaching a certain threshold (level) which will lead to a DECISION to change.

So your best and most loving intention toward their healing and growing is to INCREASE their pain!

So the next time she calls, instead of waiting and dreading the complaining, you lead the conversation… right into her pain.

STEP 1: “Hi, Carol, how are you doing?…when we talked last you mentioned that your husband never helps you and your back is so painful you can barely stand for a few minutes……really, no better…and probably a bit worse. That must be horrible…frustrating…exhausting…horrific…”

Yes…instead of comforting or reassuring, you amplify the pain using powerful words to emphasize and empathize with the pain. The results you get will define how well you do. If she says, “Well, it’s not all that bad.” …then you are an over achiever!

If the person is an “innocent” pattern (hopes for the best and is not facing the reality of the pain or the need to change), this is exactly what they need. Keep asking and inquiring… “Wow, that knee looks bad…you look exhausted…”

That is exactly what they need…to keep their attention on their problem.

If the person is a “complainer,” then the next step is what they really need. They need to notice that what they are doing is not working. They need to notice that it is critical that they do SOMETHING differently. You still need step one, because, as I mentioned, they have to reach a threshold of pain to make that decision.

STEP 2 is checking resources. “What are you doing about that?”
You will discover a couple patterns here. One is another variant of the innocent. “I’m doing what my

doctor says.” Another is the martyr pattern. “Well, what can I do, this is how it is.”

Pattern one needs STEP 3A: “How is that working?” They need a reality check. And your intention at this point is to amplify failure. Not a criticism, just the awareness that what they are doing is not achieving their desires.

“Are you feeling better…is he communicating better…is it improving…what do you think is missing?”

And, of course, if she says she is feeling better with her resources, you just stay there. If the complaint comes again, you ask… “I thought you said you were improving…is it still getting better? Oh no, that is horrible, etc….back to step one (amplify the pain), and start over.

Pattern two needs STEP 3B: “Do you think that anybody, ever, has solved that problem?” They need a model. (no, not Sports Illustated swimsuit models…somebody to model their behavior after). And your intention at this point is to amplify possibility. Not a solution, just the possibility of a solution.

“Do you think there is a solution…what do you think it might be…who has overcome depression…what do you think they did…do you think that might work for you…why (not)…?”

We are at step 3, and it is important to note that you never move forward a step if you don’t have a green light. If they don’t see the problem, you stay at step one. “Wow, that looks painful…wow, that looks painful.” Repeat and repeat.

If they have a resource, you only ever notice the resource. “How is that going?”

If they are stuck, you only ever notice positive models. “I read an article about so and so beating depression.”

STEP 4 is critical to your energy! You have to ask if they want your help or opinion! And only if they acknowledge the pain, agree that what they are doing is not working, and agree that there is a possible solution or improvement.

“Would you like my opinion (help)?”
“No.” Back to step 2. “Well, what are you going to do?”

“Yes.” That’s a green light for STEP 5. Are you prepared? Can you help them? Absolutely. They are here because you are the right person. But don’t just give them opinion…give them experience. If you don’t have experience with their problem, give them an expert.

“Here’s what I did…or…here’s a book written by someone who overcame your situation.” Other resources to provide might be a doctor, therapist, minister…anyone with specialized knowledge in solving her problem.

Rinse and repeat.

Carol calls again…this time it is her kids. She complains…and complains. And you are ready. “Wow, that sounds horrible…frustrating…exhausting…mind boggling. What are you going to do? Oh, how wonderful…let me know how that works. It’s not working…Oh, no…what will you do next? Is that working? Terrible, you must be incensed! What will you do next? Not sure…would you like my opinion…?”

Just remember…you had to reach a certain level of pain to ask for help. And quite possibly, your first resource didn’t work, and kept you looking. So, don’t stress over their problem…amplify it and get them looking too.

If you find ANY situation that doesn’t move forward using this process, email me and I’ll see if I can figure out some other patterns and solutions.


STEP 1: Amplify the pain or problem…emphasize and empathize using powerful words.

STEP 2: Check and follow up on resources. “What are you going to do?”

STEP 3A: Connect to results. “How is that working?”

STEP 3A: Connect to possibility. “Do you think there is a solution? Do you think anyone has ever solved this problem?”

STEP 4: Ask for permission to help. If help was offered and not taken, you might say, “Will you take my advice if I give it?”

STEP 5: Provide personal experience or resources with specialized knowledge in that problem. And of course, follow up. “Did you try that? How did it work?” Go back to step 1 or 2 if needed.

The five elements philosophy is practical. Without knowing anything about the history or studying the application, you can connect to the essence just through common knowledge. Fire and summer are hot, energetic, alive, colorful…it is easy to see the passion and desire attributes of fire. Water and winter are cold, still, and dark…it is easy to see the patience and flexibility attributes of water.

That is the beauty of the five elements…it is based on common observations, and then applied to all cycles of nature, using the same characteristics and attributes.

The development of an individual passes through these elements many times. An egg resting in the ovary is the essence of water…as it is released into a fallopian tube, it is sprouting from rest, the essence of wood….we won’t get into the fire essence to keep this G rated…and the earth essence is harvest…the birth…which is followed by the essence of metal…reflection, richness, and relaxation.

Once a child is born, the emotional needs become the primary goal. Here are the goals of each element emotionally, how it develops naturally, and what experiences impact the health of each energy (which associates with organ health also).

Fire element: A healthy fire energy allows a person to give and receive love in many relationships,

appropriately and confidently. This element is developed through inclusion and acceptance. Experiences of feeling rejected, abandoned or unloved create imbalance in this element and lead to challenges in developing and maintaining relationships.

Earth element: A healthy earth energy allows a person to give and receive emotional support and nurturing.

It is formed largely by the relationship to mother, or the primary caregiver. Experiences of a lack of bonding or lack of support or care lead to imbalances, resulting in a continued need to seek support or nourishment throughout their life (always looking for someone to take care of them).

Metal element: A healthy metal energy allows a person to take in the richness of life, feel that they have purpose and meaning, and process loss…

(grief/sadness) and move onward in life. This element is developed through validation (you are OK/normal) and the father relationship. Experiences of not receiving validation create imbalance and leave the person seeking recognition and approval in life.

Water element: A healthy water energy allows a person to assess risks and use good judgment in making decisions.

It is formed through reassurance in the face of fear as a child. Experiences of fear without acknowledgement or reassurance or projected fear (over-protection) lead to imbalances and a life of “bad decisions,” which can include a fear of worst case possibility in routine aspects of life.

Wood element: A healthy wood energy allows a person to have a clear vision of their path and the patience to allow it to unfold.

This element is developed by clear rules and structure as a child. Experiences of unclear boundaries leaves a person struggling with their own boundaries and a seeking of power and needing to be right or correct.

When emotional development has been affected with imbalance, there are characteristic observations that can be made in life experiences, particularly with relationships.

FIRE: You will know you need the energy of the fire essence when you observe a lack of appreciation for your efforts, being taken for granted, or being blamed for others problems. This experience indicates that this energy is weakened, and needs the energy described below.

EARTH: You will know you need the energy of the earth essence when you observe a “backing away” in your relationships, leaving you feeling alone and unsupported.

METAL: You know you need the energy of the metal essence when you observe immaturity or selfishness in the people around you.

WATER: You know you need the energy of water essence when you observe feeling disappointed or betrayed by others.

WOOD: You know you need the energy of wood essence when you observe bossiness, overbearing, disrespect, or abuse from others.

Five Elements: The Energy of Teaching

The Five Energy Needs

The Five Elements Philosophy is an observation of natural rhythms, cycles and energy flow. It is called the five ELEMENTs because it begins with the basic essences of nature, fire, earth, metal (mineral), water, and wood.

A basic nature observation is the shift of seasons. Fire is associated with summer, earth with late summer, the time of harvest, metal with fall, water with winter, and wood with spring.

Wood: The energy of Teaching

Teaching = To impart knowledge or skill, to give instruction

This is the energy of non-preference converted to preference. This is the energy of taking on the responsibility of teaching everyone you interact with HOW TO TREAT YOU. This is the energy of “That is NOT OK.”

If this is your need, you might notice bossiness, disrespect, or abusiveness in your life and relationships.

Increase this energy begins with noticing your non-preferences. Make a list, including large and small non-preferences. Everything…the looks…the voice tone..the words…the actions. For each non- preference, consider what the boundary crosser wants from their energy output. And then memorize this statement:

“You wanted __________, so you did _________________, if you want ___________, then you may __________. Would you be willing to do that?”

If your spouse left his socks on the bedroom floor, he may have wanted you to wash them. If your friend called you an idiot, she may have wanted you to do something differently. If you child kicked you in the shin, she may have wanted you to let her do something.

“You wanted me to wash your socks, so you left them on the bedroom floor…if you want me to wash your socks, then you may put them in the hamper. Would you be willing to do that?”

“You wanted to have a treat, so you kicked me…if you want a treat, say “mommy, I want a treat. Try that now.”

This is the energy of teaching others how to get what they want. Never say no again. Instead, give the precise instructions as to HOW they can achieve their desire.

“Mom, I want to burn the house to the ground.” Mom teaches how to make that happen… “Of course…well first, you need to purchase the house…then get a burning permit from the city…then you take a course on safe burning…” I support you completely in your every desire. (I’ve never encountered that request, but if you can handle that one, you should be fine with the treat, right?) Just in case…

You want a treat…if you want a treat, you will need to finish your chores and have a vegetable and protein. (our rules…you can make your own or steal ours)

This is the energy of agreements and accountability to agreements.

“Would you agree to do this instead of that?” (OK) When it doesn’t happen… “You agreed to do this, and you still did that. I need this, so what do you need to make this happen?” (something) “Ok, so if you get that, you agree to this?” (yes). If it still doesn’t happen… “You agreed to do this, if you got that, and you still did that. I need this, so what else do you need to make this happen?” Rinse and repeat.

If it never happens…THAT IS NOT OK. “I’ve kept every agreement that you have asked for….you asked for something, and then something, and I’ve provided something(s). You did not give me this…that is not ok.”

Yes, it is possible that the person in front of you CANNOT or will not give you what you need, and it is possible that the need you are asking for is non-negotiable (ie. physical abuse, or any abuse, disrespect, etc.). People get divorced more than they stay married, but I think they find solutions much more often if they use this energy. The point is, teach them how to treat you…give them room for error…and if they still won’t keep their agreement, like the energy of water, you will know without hesitation that they are not meant for your life.

This is the energy of confronting. To confront in this sense means to stand strong and tall, like a mature tree…for your values, which are your strength or roots. This is the energy of uncompromising. If you compromise your value, you “sell out” your true desire and weaken your roots.

This is the energy of honesty and authenticity. What is your highest or greatest truth? Are you communicating with yourself and others based on your highest truth? Are your actions for yourself and others based on your highest truth?

This is the energy of acceptance. Trees, grass, weeds, and other sprouting energies all have a unique role and benefit on the environment. Your roots can coexist with every other root. Differing values must be considered and recognized. The statement above requires you to understand their desires and values, while maintaining a focus on and requesting from your values.

Does that feel practical enough to apply immediately…even if 5% more? We rarely transform our being…but with little changes, we see transformation happen over time. Go for 5%…or even 2%…more of the energy YOU need, and get curious…perhaps excited… to see what changes in your life.

The five elements philosophy is practical. Without knowing anything about the history or studying the application, you can connect to the essence just through common knowledge. Fire and summer are hot, energetic, alive, colorful…it is easy to see the passion and desire attributes of fire. Water and winter are cold, still, and dark…it is easy to see the patience and flexibility attributes of water.

That is the beauty of the five elements…it is based on common observations, and then applied to all cycles of nature, using the same characteristics and attributes.

The development of an individual passes through these elements many times. An egg resting in the ovary is the essence of water…as it is released into a fallopian tube, it is sprouting from rest, the essence of wood….we won’t get into the fire essence to keep this G rated…and the earth essence is harvest…the birth…which is followed by the essence of metal…reflection, richness, and relaxation.

Once a child is born, the emotional needs become the primary goal. Here are the goals of each element emotionally, how it develops naturally, and what experiences impact the health of each energy (which associates with organ health also).

Fire element: A healthy fire energy allows a person to give and receive love in many relationships,

appropriately and confidently. This element is developed through inclusion and acceptance. Experiences of feeling rejected, abandoned or unloved create imbalance in this element and lead to challenges in developing and maintaining relationships.

Earth element: A healthy earth energy allows a person to give and receive emotional support and nurturing.

It is formed largely by the relationship to mother, or the primary caregiver. Experiences of a lack of bonding or lack of support or care lead to imbalances, resulting in a continued need to seek support or nourishment throughout their life (always looking for someone to take care of them).

Metal element: A healthy metal energy allows a person to take in the richness of life, feel that they have purpose and meaning, and process loss…

(grief/sadness) and move onward in life. This element is developed through validation (you are OK/normal) and the father relationship. Experiences of not receiving validation create imbalance and leave the person seeking recognition and approval in life.

Water element: A healthy water energy allows a person to assess risks and use good judgment in making decisions.

It is formed through reassurance in the face of fear as a child. Experiences of fear without acknowledgement or reassurance or projected fear (over-protection) lead to imbalances and a life of “bad decisions,” which can include a fear of worst case possibility in routine aspects of life.

Wood element: A healthy wood energy allows a person to have a clear vision of their path and the patience to allow it to unfold.

This element is developed by clear rules and structure as a child. Experiences of unclear boundaries leaves a person struggling with their own boundaries and a seeking of power and needing to be right or correct.

When emotional development has been affected with imbalance, there are characteristic observations that can be made in life experiences, particularly with relationships.

FIRE: You will know you need the energy of the fire essence when you observe a lack of appreciation for your efforts, being taken for granted, or being blamed for others problems. This experience indicates that this energy is weakened, and needs the energy described below.

EARTH: You will know you need the energy of the earth essence when you observe a “backing away” in your relationships, leaving you feeling alone and unsupported.

METAL: You know you need the energy of the metal essence when you observe immaturity or selfishness in the people around you.

WATER: You know you need the energy of water essence when you observe feeling disappointed or betrayed by others.

WOOD: You know you need the energy of wood essence when you observe bossiness, overbearing, disrespect, or abuse from others.

Join us on facebook @ True Health Family Wellness Center, and share your experiences and thoughts about these Five Energy Needs.

It’s All In Your Head!!

I have had patients who were told their problems are all in their head

…sometimes not very tactfully.  The Five Elements is a healing philosophy and science that might shed some light on the meaning of it’s all in your head.

Quantum physicsBegin by getting into your head.

The Five Elements teaches that your thoughts are a form of energy just like words, and your brain is the Creator of your experience.  If you feel pain, your environment must be interpreted as painful by your brain.  If you feel love, your environment must be loving.  Because your Brain receives and responds perfectly.

What symptoms, conditions, or diseases would you consider to be “all in your head?”

Many people would say anxiety and depression.  There’s nothing physically wrong, right?  Some people would say fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, or any illness that you cannot “see it to believe it.”

in your headHow about Phantom Limb Pain?  That has to be all in your head, since the body part has gone to heaven.

What about Thyroid problems or Cancer?  These are conditions we can see evidence of or literally see or feel.  If you can see a number shifted on a lab, a lump on a scan, or feel a bump on your body, most would agree, NOW it’s NOT all in your head.

You can see high or low hormone levels in Thyroid conditions, but if you look closely, there is nothing wrong with the thyroid gland.  It looks normal.  With Cancer, you can clearly see that there is something physically wrong!

The Five Elements teaches that it is always all in your head, and beyond.

This healing philosophy teaches that dis-ease can begin in the body, mind, or spirit, and no matter where it originates, it will affect all levels.

With depression there is nothing to see, so it’s all in your head, but the number one cause of depression is low thyroid which is below your head.  The number one cause of low thyroid is stress, which is all in your head, or is it in the adrenal glands?  Either way, cortisol bathes your body in fight or flee tension, but your adrenal glands are regulated by the pituitary which is in your head.

When we think of stress, we tend to think of worry and upset, but body stress includes junk food, infections, and anemia.  Well, unless you have a sinus infection which is in your head, but not in your brain.

Pushing beyond your physical capacity is a body stress, unless you consider not being smart enough to stop a problem with the head.

The Five Elements says life stress includes disruption, criticism, being ignored, facing ignorance, and unfairness.  Are those stressors in our mind, body, or spirit?  I’d describe it more as an environmental stress, so we can add pollution and toxicity.  Or include it under “facing ignorance.”

Cancer is caused by Carcinogens, which is pollution from billion dollar corporations and medicine.  But you can see it, so even if it’s brain cancer, it’s a physical problem.

I’ve personally helped two people with cancer find healing, using cleansing and detoxifying nutrients and plants.  If we the people are putting Carcinogens into our homes and environment, clearly this problem is all in our head.

My head is starting to hurt.  I wonder if it’s from toxins in our environment, inflammation in my brain, stress and tension in my body, worry and frustration in my mind, or a broken spirit?

What are people even saying, when they say, “It’s all in your head.”

It’s not about location is it.  They are calling your experience a lie.  They don’t believe you because they can’t explain it in their tiny little minds.

Now I’m feeling depressed.  You CAN see depression physically in the posture, and on brain scan.  The brain scan of a depressed person looks like low electrical activity and blood flow to the frontal cortex.  The brain is depressed.

What alters brain activity and blood flow?  Blood flow is regulated by hormones from the BODY.  Of course the brain regulates the glands to increase or decrease production of hormones.  Electrical activity is regulated by body movement and feeling, which releases chemicals called Neurotransmitters in the BRAIN.

in your headThe Five Elements teaches that when your environment changes, your body changes.  When your body changes your brain changes; and when your mind, thoughts, and emotions change, your spirit changes.  And every level affects every level.

Functional Neurology teaches that your brain functions to survive, thrive and expand.  The Five Elements teaches that your brain is your connection to your Creator.

So, if your brain regulates your hormones and neurotransmitters toward depression, how the heck does that improve the probability of survival?  Contemplate that for a minute.  By design, it has to be true!

I’m not our Creator, but basic logic suggest that your mind-body-spirit is telling you to slow down and notice something!   The Five Elements teaches that you need to look for your value.  You didn’t forget that you are a gift of God, did you???  Or, you need to let go of something, which may be a someone.

Cancer is clearly a “real” problem that we can see and feel.  But if you trace to the root, we know that there are three built in mechanisms to destroy cell mutation.  The first two lines of defense are within the cell, coded in the DNA as self destruct genes.  

The third line of defense is our immune system, in particular our Natural Killer Cells and Cytotoxic T Cells.  These little destroyers target mutated cells and kill on sight.  If your immune system is weak, and your cellular genetic aging process is accelerated by oxidation, the mutated cells become the survivors and thrive in your weakened state, expanding into a tumor.  

The primary reason for accelerated genetic aging and a weakened immune system is stress, which we know can be environmental, physical, mental, or spiritual.  A lack of Faith.

Our leaders allow Billion dollar corporations to create and use chemicals that they know are harmful, but rationalize their actions to enjoy their wealth.  I call that ignorance Profit Over People. 

Balance of environment requires that we love each other enough to look out for the greater good.  Our people and planet.  A true leader of the free world would not accumulate wealth when his people, his children, don’t have enough to survive.  A True Leader would die for the greater good. 

We all NEED TO CHECK OUR HEADS for what we are accepting as our reality.  And CHECK OUR HEART and Gut Intuition, to get straight with Natural Law!

When a Doctor tells you it’s all in your head, they don’t know how to explain what you are experiencing or what they are seeing.  If a doctor tells you that it is always in your head, and beyond, they probably understand Natural Law.  They may refer to themselves as a healer, and will probably be able to help you!

Read Next:  Are Medical Doctors “the best” Doctors?

Earth Controls Water

Earth represents our Home, our Harvest, and our Motherly Love.

Water represents our Choice, our Flexibility, and our Softness.

The Five Elements is an ancient philosophy of healing used in Acupressure and Acupuncture practices.

The Five Elements teaches that the organs associated with the Earth element are the spleen, stomach and pancreas.  The “team” responsible for delivering oxygen and glucose to 37 trillion cellsPerhaps that is why we call Earth our Mother.

“Nobody left behind” is the battle cry of the Mother.

The organs associated with the Water element are the kidneys and bladder.

Water organs of course.  There is nothing softer than Water, especially when Fire or heat warms Water until its molecules fly apart as vapor, but it’s softness can harden and battle.

Water freezes in cold.  Flexibility freezes in fear and paralysis.

Water rages with a flood and destroys when it’s boundaries aren’t held.  Movement turns towards battle when softness isn’t given a choice.

The Five Elements teaches that the only time battle is “necessary” is when there is no other choice.  You ask for mercy, and hurt keeps coming.  This hard energy must receive the most powerful and cleansing raging of Softness.

The only time freezing is necessary is when you are hiding from danger, which would mean it’s cold, or in our culture, Earth energy isn’t protecting the innocent.

And the innocent are being left behind, trampled, bullied, and abused

Our culture feels like half of our people are frozen in fear of the battle and the other half are raging to win the battle.  It looks like most of the Mother’s have resorted to battle to survive.

Earth needs to exert some control over our cultural Water energy.

She controls freezing and fear with warmth and love.  She controls raging with soothing and sensitivity.  Mother only battles when she isn’t given a choice.  She is here to take good care.

Earth and Water are the softest Elements, while Metal and Wood are hard.

Metal carves wood, while Water is held by Earth in lakes and oceans, and Earth gently directs Traditional Chinese Medicinemovement of Water with her banks in rivers.

Earth teaches us how to care for and hold boundaries for our softest people, like an innocent child.

“Why are you frozen in fear, little one?”  (Listen and offer warmth)

“Why are you raging out of control, little one?”  (Listen and offer empathy and direction)

Our culture battles over who is right and wrong.  “I’m Better than You.”

Republicans or Democrats.  Vaccines vs. Non-Vaxxers.  Vikings over Packers.  Nature or Pharmaceutical.  Medical Doctor or Not-A-Real Doctor.  Voting or Not Voting.  Whether we should cut the foreskin from a penis.  Lol.Five Elements

We judge people for looking different, acting weird, or not being good at something.  We separate by color, religion, borders, sexual orientation, and language.

Our culture “grades” feminine and sensitivity as lower than a hard man.

Our cultures’ most sensitive people are hiding.  Everyone else is battling.

Traditional Chinese medicine

Dr. Stone approx 1992

I’ve played both sides.  When I mimicked my leaders, I argued right-ness and better-ness, bullied and belittled for power, and even battled in street fights in my youth.  I would pick the biggest jerk at the party, and go up to him and call him a “dick.”

When he challenged me to battle, I would become Momma Bear, raging to protect the innocent.  To the best of my recollection, I only lost a couple fights, and both where when I was being the jerk.

As I deepened my understanding of the Five Elements, I stopped fighting.  The Five Elements teaches that the only thing that matters is your results, and the results had become obvious.

When you hurt people, people hurt back.  If you beat them, they will find a bigger brother or friend, a bigger weapon, or a bigger army.

Remember War Games?

Traditional Chinese MedicineMathew Broderick taught a militant computer that had the power to launch nuclear missiles, that war cannot be won! He challenged the computer to our cultural game of one-upping, Tic Tac Toe!  Every move has a counter move in war, and if your opponent is paying attention, nobody can win.

It’s a great game for the little ones, to teach that getting too focused on yourself leaves you vulnerable.  When they finally learn to watch all the angles, they decide “this game is dumb.”

The only way to “win” is for someone to realize that the game is dumb and unnecessary, and look for a softer solution.

Earth directs us to “not-battle.”  When Mother exerts her control over cultural movement, she will stop the “hurting back.” She will give both the warring and the paralyzed children clear and loving directions.  She will teach the warring children how to get what they want without hurting people.  She will coax our sensitives out of hiding with warmth and hugs, and show them that she stopped the warring.

“Look, it is safe to be exactly who you are, and you are a amazing gift to this world.”

If you have any trouble getting the warring children to stop…

Hold up the Stop Sign.  Lol…”talk to the hand.”

Clearly state which action feels uncomfortable, and request that they stop.Traditional Chinese Medicine

If they continue to hurt, warn them softly that you will call Dr. Stone if they do not stop.  Lol.

I’ve come to learn that the hurt and anger of a sensitive man is scarier than a Momma Bear.

I offer Care Without Expectation in my Clinic.  It’s based on the concept of going first.  I’ll give first, and if you think it was a gift, you may give back.

I’m happy to go first for this “service,” too.

Dad-Pool.  I’ll come visit your assailant to discuss making a different choice.

I’m happy to share my softest energy as far as I can reach.  To protect the sensitive, and gently direct the battling.  I doubt I’ll ever resort to violence again, because it is just such a poor resource.

And I’d feel sorry for the person who gave me no choice.

Earth, the Mother, controls our movement and our softness.

Take control, Mothers, softly.

My taking soft control is my commitment to going first, Care Without Expectation.  And in my spare time, I do my best to teach people why following Natural Law is to their benefit.

These are the men who forced me to significantly increase my Earth energy and softness.  Insurance kicked me out of “network” for healing a medical condition.   Mother Nature

Healing a medical condition was punished with taking my paycheck, and my family’s security. My patients had to pay out of pocket, and many said their pockets were empty after paying insurance premiums.

Sounds like these men have mine and yours.
I’m not happy with what I get in return, are you!?

How about Government, our Leadership?

History clearly describes when leadership became the wealthy few, around 100 years ago.  Their first decision as multi-millionaires was to take more from the people.  They restored the 16th Amendment.  Income Tax.

Even when I received insurance reimbursement, I didn’t make as much as a politician, because I’m not a real doctor.  Our Government pays my kind (of doctor) 25 dollars per visit.  Even if I help the blind to see and heal diseases that confound wealthy real doctors.

I’m fighting mad about the unfairness of this whole experience, but the result of battle is always painful, so I softened.  I know I can’t fight city hall or the wealthy few.  But I can heal for free.

I can empower women to accept nothing less
than their Hearts Desire.  With energy in balance,
people won’t be left behind, trampled, bullied, or abused.

Five Elements

My homemade girls will shine brightly!