pediatric seizures

Pediatric Seizures Resolved by Mother Nature

Imagine watching your 10 year old baby girl having a seizure.

You find your little girl shaking and convulsing, with arms clutched to her chest.  Your baby doesn’t respond to you.  She won’t relax, and all you can do is watch.  Pediatric seizures.

The New Year numbered 2015 brought a new experience to this family.

Pediatric Seizures

On January 2, 2015 they rushed their baby to the ER for help.  Their little girl feels the heaviness of an MRI.  MRI of the brain rules in or out tumor and hemorrhage.  If the result is positive, she could die.  If the result is negative, she is relieved from the heaviness of those conditions, but left with the confusion of “you are fine.”

Her seizure didn’t feel fine.

She described that she woke “shaking and spasming, feeling like her right foot was amputated, and that she had no bones.”  She couldn’t see anything but black, but she could hear her own cries for help, and Momma desperately doing her best.

pediatric seizuresWhat Momma witnessed was not fine, so she followed up with the Pediatrician.  He helped by checking her with a CAT scan for tumors and hemorrhage.  Again.  The little girl felt the heaviness again, but she already knew the answer was no.

Momma becomes the Doctor for her baby’s hurt.  She cleans up her diet, and they go gluten free.  That’s a Momma following her heart.  Her intuition.  And she was right.

One of my Functional Neurology professors shared a case study of a patient with ALS achieving remission by going “gluten free.”

A worthy resource indeed.  Would it work for Pediatric Seizures?!

A month passes and no more seizures.  Two, three, four…  They were just beginning to feel safe, when it hit again.  Six months after the first seizure, another seizure takes over her little body (June ’15).  And another in November and again May 2016.  Right around 6 months apart.

A really horrible day twice a year was nearly bearable.

They were learning a life with seizures.  A horrible day will stop at some point, and Momma’s baby will come back.

Until 2016 brought “acceleration.” 

After the last breather of 6 months, she had the next in 4 months (Sept ’16), and then another just a month later (Oct ’16).  Yikes!

pediatric seizuresAcceleration made this little girl terrified to go to bed.  It took her an hour to fall asleep and she was waking through the night, in fear of the next one.

Momma pulls her frightened girl from school to ease her pain, and the reduction in stress increases the time to five months before the next.  March 2017.

Then acceleration again.  She had another in May and TWO in July.

A friend Momma met by connecting with homeschoolers listens to her story and suggests trying True Health.  I met this little girl in August.  The 2nd, which is the same day of the month this whole mess began.

pediatric seizuresI instantly fell in love, and I quickly felt her pain.

My exam is quite a bit different than what medicine offers.  I look for vulnerabilities through muscle testing.  Vulnerabilities test as muscular weakness.  I test for strength the same way.  Healing Needs test as muscular strength!

Her arm weakened to formaldehyde, a known carcinogen that our leadership allows to be used for building homes and furniture.  A little bit doesn’t hurt, and our government considers a little bit to be 8.7 MILLION TONS per year produced in the US.

Her vulnerability was strengthened by True HM Detox.  Mother Nature’s version of helping the hurt of environmental toxicity, including exposure to carcinogens.

quit smoking

St. John’s Wort and Wild Oat Seed

We also started nourishing her brain with St. Johns Wort, and by her fourth visit, she reported that she was feeling better and had more energy.

After her fifth visit she had another seizure.

I prescribed the brain healing and calming strength of Kava, Poppy, Blessed Thistle and Wild Oat Seed.

Her sixth visit, she described feeling the prodrome of seizure.

Prodrome is an early sign of what’s coming, and she had learned that a “seizure night” felt shaky and tense.  She took her medicine and did the short acupressure treatment I showed her, and her body and mind relaxed.  Sleep came easily, and there was no seizure.

Seizure night” had been accelerating to every 6 weeks, then monthly, and once, 2 days in a row!

Since prescribing that blend of plants, she has gone over a year without a seizure.  (and counting!)

She still has bad days, like the rest of us, but it feels like stress and anxiety.  Like the rest of us.   And she takes her medicine and does her acupressure and sleeps well even if she has a “bad day.”

ePerhaps I am jumping the gun on telling her story, but I know a healing trend when I see one.  This little girl now feels confident that she has the resources to handle “when she feels something bad is coming.”

Momma still worries for her baby.  I wasn’t even there to see what she saw, but the case history, which is her description of what happened, was more painful than anything I have felt.  Or heard.

I seem to feel what I hear.  If ya know what I mean.

This was my last case history.  Now I just ask “what you would like?”, and we get to work.


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