Fire Controls Metal

Fire is Your Heart’s Desire.

Water Controls Fire, and Water is created by Metal.  Metal is the hardness of stone.  Water tables are created by stone deep in Mother Earth, and the minerals of the soil above filter and nourish the water.  That’s how Nature creates water for us.

We can dig a well, and Water, one of our survival needs, becomes as easy as turning on the faucet.

In my personal experience, Mother Nature is broken.  My family bought a brand new home in the country with a well.  The water from the faucet didn’t look right.  I sent it off to one of the labs we use, and they detected dangerous levels of lead.  My family would be brain damaged if we trusted county inspectors and drank the cloudy orange water that came out of our faucet.

Mother Nature protects the innocent.

Momma put “iron bacteria” in the soil to turn the water orange and slimy and keep my family from drinking lead poisoned water.  I love Her. 

Why was there lead in our groundwater?

In 1921, scientists at General Motors added lead to gasoline. This allowed GM to produce much cheaper grades of fuel and still maintain the needed octane ratings that a car’s engine required.

They did it for profit!

Around the same time, lead became an additive in paint to brighten colors and make homes easier to sell.

They did it for appearances!?

In the 2nd century BC the Greek botanist Nicander described the colic (pain) and paralysis seen in lead-poisoned people.  And, it is hypothesized that lead poisoning may have contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire.

Lead has been a known poison for over 2000 years, and GM put it in gasoline, to save money.  To increase profit.

And that’s why there is toxic levels of lead in my country well.

For my families Water problem, I installed a whole house filtration system to protect my loves.  The company that sold it to us said, “If you can work a screwdriver, you can install this yourself.”  Lol, he assumed that the manly voice on the phone meant I was a man.

I’m not not a man.  I just seem to fall on the softer side, the caretaker.

I’m definitely not a “handy-man.”  I did my best to recreate the soil that once filtered water.  I filled two 5′ barrels with layers of soil based minerals.  I connected them with pipes, and even connected an electrical circuit.  The first time I turned the power back on, my handy work arced sparks to the ceiling.  The second try was a success.

I spent $2,500 and vastly stretched my manly skills, to create ten feet of clean earth, to protect my family.  Ten feet of clean mineral rich soil purified our water enough to bathe in it safely.  We installed a reverse osmosis purification system on the kitchen sink to achieve safe to drink.

Earth creates Metal.  Metal represents the richness of life and letting go of what doesn’t serve the Greater Good.

Fire Controls Metal.  The archetypes of the Fire element are the caretaker and warrior.  The caretakers tend to the warriors and the future caretakers and warriors.  The warriors hunt, gather, repair, and protect, if necessary.  They will bleed to protect their people. Even die.

The Caretakers and Warriors control Metal, by reminding the hardness What Matters Most.  Metal archetypes are the Creator and the Sage.  The creator is masculine, and creates everything you see.  The sage is feminine, and Her wisdom was a gift to us to guide creation toward What Matters Most.  

Metal is controlled or guided, by the heart.  Heart is the softness in everyone.  The Yin energy.  Yin is what Traditional Chinese medicine calls the feminine, and Yang is the masculine.  I call it softness and hardness.

3000 years ago, in the east, the healers described the perfect balance of softness and hardness.  

My education taught me that the people who hurt the innocent are hard, and that people who are willing to trample the innocent for what they want are dicks.

This Ancient Sage advice suggests that we, our culture, needs a rather large shift toward the softness of the feminine to restore balance and protect our people.

If you have been hurt by the hardness of Environmental Pollution, because some dick wanted to make a few more bucks, Mother Nature has a simple remedyTrue Health’s detox support.

Click Here to read the about our soft Detox approach and the scientific validation of Mother Nature’s protection from environmental toxins.


2 replies
  1. Melissa Greer
    Melissa Greer says:

    Don’t know if I’ll ever totally be able to fit all that in my mind, find the proper place for all the pieces of information, and Keep them long enough to use them, but I Do Love the Beauty of the images when you talk about them. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, the Gift you have of applying it to every day life, and offering the healing of “Momma” to help with the “hardness” that sometimes overtaxes our bodies’ God-Given Defenses.

    • Dr. Todd Stone
      Dr. Todd Stone says:

      My mind is a dangerous place. lol. I told “bloody momma” that I don’t know the story before it is written, I just connect to the elements…feel them… and they tell me what to write.


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