Shingles Treatment

Natural Remedies for Shingles Symptoms, EBV, and HSV1 or HSV2

Relieve Shingles Symptoms in days! Natural Remedies for Herpes and Shingles! Many patients have called saying they’re having a shingles flare, and I’d send them a bottle of True Immune-CV Support (Chronic Virus).  Every single person reported relief of their Shingles symptoms in days.   Other patients reported that this Chronic Virus immune support resolved herpes […]

Top 10 Plant Medicines for Body Detoxification

A Liver Cleanse is a process or program that assists or accelerates detoxification. Detoxification is a body function that never stops.  Every day our bodies manufacture hormones, and we eat, breath, and absorb chemical toxins that require removal from the body.  Alcohol and medications are extra work for the liver, so if you use either, […]

water element

Water Controls Fire

My ‘superhero’ logo represents our Mother and Father in perfect balance. Mother, our Earth and Provider.  Father, our Creator.  In Love.  In Eastern philosophy, Mother and Father energy is represented as yin and yang.  Yin is the Mother, the feminine.  Yang is the Father, the masculine. I also refer to that energy as softness and […]

True Health Shop, menopause

Relief for Bronchitis, Smokers Cough, COPD, and Emphysema

Smoking and infections weaken the lungs and can cause a chronic cough. True Cough Relief heals the lungs, so it’s the perfect protection from the hurt of tobacco addiction and one of the best home remedies for bronchitis, COPD, and Emphysema.  For you smokers, I call that Paying It Off.  I too, was addicted to tobacco, […]


Natural Remedies for Allergies: Cat, Smoke, Dust and Seasonal Allergies

Dr. Stone had awful seasonal allergies. I was allergic to mold, cats, and dust, but the worst was seasonal allergies. Spring time was miserable and there was no escape.  Severe allergies caused burning eyes, runny nose, and fits of sneezing.  At times I would stuff tissue up my nose so snot wouldn’t drip into my […]