
Water Controls Fire

My ‘superhero’ logo represents our Mother and Father in perfect balance.

Mother, our Earth and Provider.  Father, our Creator.  In Love. 

In Eastern philosophy, Mother and Father energy is represented as yin and yang.  Yin is the Mother, the feminine.  Yang is the Father, the masculine.

I also refer to that energy as softness and hardnessThat’s just how it feels to me. Hardness builds the world and protects it.  Softness cares for the world and heals it.

Yin and yang, Mother and Father, offered us guidance in the symbolism of the Five Elements.

Traditional Chinese medicine

The intersection of the Elements in the center represents the energy that gives life The Five Elements calls it Governing Vessel and Conception Vessel.  The Creators of Life, in perfect balance.

The Five Elements teach us that everything begins at the ending of last, with a reflection on our results, and with that wisdom, looking forward to next.  Everything begins as a thought, and Metal represents inspiration, a thought that creates enough motivation to take action.  Action needs direction, and Water chooses direction along the path of least resistance.

Our culture practices working hard and battling the competition.  Natural Law teaches to hold your Heart inspired vision and keep flowing in that direction.

Water feeds Wood and Controls Fire.traditional chinese medicine

Natural Law teaches that every person is a gift to our world.  Water is in charge of fueling the Fire (by creating Wood) so it can burn brightly, and controlling the Fire without snuffing it out.

Too much Water and your Fire weakens or dies.  In people, it looks like the fear and paralysis of self doubt and uncertainty (frozen in fear).  Not enough Water and Fire rages out of control, burning everything in its path.  Destructive.

postpartum depression

In balance, the brilliance of a blossoming perspective naturally brings a robust harvest.  The Earth element.  It represents the love you receive from the beauty you share, aka Your Gift.

When you tend a Fire (Heart Desire) with softness and love, your reward is a rich harvest (Earth Element).

I look around in our culture, and the RICH or wealthy appear to be the ones most willing to trample the competition, and even hurt the innocent.  It feels more like the wealth acquired by conquering and trampling.

Pharmaceuticals and Medicine are the third leading cause of death.  Pepsi and Coca-Cola can afford Super Bowl commercials.

insaneMost of our leaders are Millionaires.

In our culture, Mothers feel bad for “not contributing” when they stay home to care for their loves, and many families can’t even afford that option.

Hardness and Masculine dominate our culture.

Even our softness has hardened.  Our culture feels like being “pushed to fit in” and compete, and that different perspectives are considered stupid or combative.  Mother’s “toughen up” their daughters to survive, rather than teaching the virtues of sensitivity and the power of women’s intuition.

And rather than “All One” we divide in every way possible.

I don’t trust the intuition of warring women any more than the intentions of trampling men.  They both need the guidance of softness, and the control of Water.acupuncture

Let the Games Begin.  Off with her head!

five elementsThe Ruler is the Yang or masculine archetype of Water, and the Innocent is the Yin or feminine archetype.  The Ruler is the leader, holds power and sets and enforces laws.  The Innocent lives by core values and principles and would never, ever, ever lie or misrepresent!

Elf may have core values and principles that were disruptive… “Oh, it’s not a costume. I’m an elf. Well, technically, I’m a human, but I was raised by elves.”  But he saved the spirit of Christmas, the birth of baby Jesus, celebrated by an overweight man who watches us without us knowing and if he determines we are “good,” gives us presents!

Still.  The Spirit of Giving.

The Spirit of Capitalism is giving the flexible possibility of earning a living and a profit based on how hard you work or how skilled you become in your trade.

Health Insurance took away my financial security for helping a woman resolve her pain, fatigue and steadily weakening condition.  She told me that she thought she was dying.  I helped her and then shared her story to inspire others to heal naturally.  During my annual insurance review, they noted that this woman had been diagnosed with a medical condition, and Dr.Stone is NOT a medical doctor, so they terminated my network physician contract.

Yes, I was kicked out of insurance for “treating a medical condition” and interfering with a “customer for life.”

That feels more like trampling the competition than caring for our people.  And they call it “Health Insurance?”

Then our Government fined me for not giving $700 a month to Health Insurance.  Insurance that didn’t cover True Health.

That feels like the wealthy teaming up to take more from the innocent.

My patients and my family had to pay the out of network deductible to be seen as a patient in our clinic.

$2,000 to 5,000 out of pocket.  For many, an impossible barrier to overcome.  As a physician, I would run out of visits allowed per year before the deductible was met, so in the end I would receive $0.00 from Health Insurance.

I used to joke about seeing “what I was worth” when I opened their envelopes.  “$0.00” .  Lol.  They had to process the billing so I would get an actual check for nothing.

These guys could pay the deductible, but it seems they have no interest in balance.  Or healing.

LoveThey didn’t care that I helped that woman live again!  They only cared about their HARD rules and their Heart Desire called PROFIT.  That desire ($$), in the caring for our people, has resulted in Doctors being the 3rd leading cause of death.

Our culture could achieve balance with some soft Innocent influence for our leaders and their accumulations of wealth.  A sensitive woman would never gather resources beyond her needs, when her people are still struggling, sick, hungry, or homeless.  Nobody Left Behind is the motto of the feminine.

I am standing up for softness and the feminine, uncompromising “Innocent” values and principles, and Nobody Left Behind with our new Clinic Model…Get A Metabolic Tune-Up.

I was never all that “secure” financially as an insurance doctor anyway, and I think you can see why.

Health Insurance increases their profit by denying care, and eliminating doctors who don’t fit in or follow the rules.

For example… Healing a Medical Condition.

Do you think they kept their fair share?  8.1 Million+?

I’m betting, faithfully, that going first…giving love first, without expectation…is the solution to this imbalance.  Unconditional Love.  Yep.

five elementsIf you’d like to support this mission, accept my care as a patient.  Or, buy the best medicines on the planet in our online storeAllergy, Calm, Sleep, Stress Resilience.  Whatever you need, Mother Nature provides.

If you are inspired by this mission, make a donation to increase the probability of me NOT falling on my face.  (Scroll down a bit to see the “Donate” button)

The people who have felt the brilliance of my Fire energy, aka my best as a healer, think I am some sort of  a superhero.  And a dork.
And as any dork superhero would do, I created a logo.


Yin Yang
Click HERE to read my Origin story.  It hurt like a Mother.