struggle with depression

The GABA Challenge


The GABA Challenge is a test for the integrity of your Blood Brain Barrier (BBB).  If compromised or damaged, your risk for neurodegneration and vaccine reactions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder increases.  The BBB is a semi-permeable (some things can go through) “wall” that filters needed proteins, nutrients, and hormones into the brain, and keeps “not needed” OUT of the brain. 
Not too much different from your skin.  The skin is also a barrier system for your body and it keeps a world of dirt and microbes on the outside.  What happens when that barrier system is compromised, such as a cut or scrape?  The answer, of course, is inflammation, which looks bad and painful.  Inflammation is your body’s  immune response to any invasions, such as dirt, bacteria, and viruses. 
Now think of this barrier around your brain, only cut up, scratched up and scabbed up.  The cells within that barrier, now being bathed in inflammation, are your Brain Cells!  

This inflammatory process will greatly increase your probability of neurodegenerative diseases of aging such as Alzheimer’s disease, and if you’re a child, your routine vaccination allows mercury and formaldehyde to cross the broken barrier, and you end up with an acute inflammatory response we call Autism Spectrum!

The GABA Challenge test involves taking a neuropeptide (big word for protein), called GABA that is naturally made in every cell of your body.  When every cell produces their own GABA, brain cells would have to produce it to feel it in your brain.  It does not travel from the kidney to the brain, and it doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier if you consume it. 
The neuropeptides that work in the brain include GABA, which feels super relaxed and/or asleep.  Acetylcholine, which feels like laying on a beach and taking in all the sounds, deep contemplation and/or reflexion on a grateful memory.  Serotonin, which feels like accomplishing something or happy for nothing.  Dopamine, which feels like a party for you, love, or giving a speech.  Adrenaline and Noradrenaline which feel like worry, excitement, fear, or exhilaration.   

GABA is the only inhibitory neuropeptide, acting like the brake pedal to slow your brain down.  All the others are excitatory or stimulating to the nervous system. 

When you take a drug that stimulates GABA production in the brain, you inhibit your inhibitions, start to feel more relaxed, and if you keep consuming, you slow down, get tired, feel sluggish, and lose coordination.  If you keep consuming, you will lose consciousness.  

Alcohol and Valium are probably the most famous GABA stimulators.  If you have ever tried either, you know exactly what I mean. 

Consuming GABA directly shouldn’t do this.  Alcohol crosses the blood brain barrier, GABA does not.  When we take GABA internally, we should not feel brain inhibition.  There should not be a slowing, intoxication, or incoordination feeling at all.  There should be no brain effect at all. 
  1. About 1-2 hours after dinner, on a night that you have nothing planned, take the 2 GABA capsules.
  2. Go about your business (like I said, don’t have anything important planned)
  3. Notice any unusual slowing down type feelings, ranging from mildly intoxicated, uncoordinated, lethargic, or simply slowed down.
  4. Notice any excitation, agitation, or other stimulation such as feeling wired, which will happen in approximately 20% of the cases of compromised BBB.  Most will feel inhibited.
  5. Go to bed.  If you are slowed, it will be gone by the morning.    
  6. ANY change, excitation or inhibition is a positive test for damage to the Blood Brain Barrier.

If you have a positive test, don’t get a vaccine containing mercury or formaldehyde!

Follow these nutrition guidelines and get True Tissue Heal and True Pain Relief from our online store, to prevent Neuro-Degenerative conditions.

That combination will heal all the barriers, including the intestinal barrier, aka Leaky Gut Syndrome.  Well, unless you had underlying chronic infections in your gut.  If you are tired of “trying the next thing,” you can start with our lab test that specifies what YOUR needs are.

It would work for the skin too, if used topically and internally, but we have True Wound Mend that is prepared more for topical use.

Would you like to do this test without buying a whole bottle of GABA capsules for 2 capsules?

neurodegenerationIf you order True Calm for Anxiety,  True Allergy for seasonal Allergies, True Sleep for falling asleep insomnia, or True Blood Sugar Balance for blood sugar problems,  and I’ll toss in two GABA 500 mg pills in a little baggie.

Shop around and buy anything that fits you, to improve digestion, energy, or build up stress resilience.    Then type “GABA” or “gaba” in the comments and I’ll include 2 capsules to try the GABA test for yourself, or 4 capsules, maybe even 6 if you request.


7 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Nice article, am curious on the dosage though. You say 2 capsules, but how much is that in g or mg? Capsules can be different strengths, and GABA also comes in power form. Thanks!

    • Dr. Todd Stone, Asheville Chiropractic
      Dr. Todd Stone, Asheville Chiropractic says:

      That means your blood brain barrier is compromised. True Tissue Heal is our barrier healing product. You may need to figure out why you were compromised first though. Chronic infections, toxicity, stress. True Health offers Care Without Expectation to anyone wanting to heal.


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