Find Your Healing Trend!

What does it take to heal?

Exactly What You Need.  Healing = Meeting Needs. 

To heal a broken heart, you need love, acceptance, and time.  And that’s just my best guess.  I’ve never had a patient write after “Primary Condition/Symptom”:  broken heart.

In my experience, every condition or disease, and even people with the same disease, have unique needs.

I’ve been able to figure exactly what all of these diseases and conditions needed.  I healed them all with plant medicines and my hands.  No not like Jesus, but I used acupressure to help the plants’ nourishing and healing attributes.

Raynaud’s  Disease, Graves Disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroid Disease, Allergic Dermatitis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Food Allergies, Migraines, Telogen Effluvium, Parkinson’s, Seizures, Ulcerative Colitis, Appendicitis, Scleroderma, Cancer, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Memory Loss/Dementia, Heart Failure, Infertility and PCOS, PMDD, Lyme Disease with Regional Pain Syndrome, Asthma, Allergies, Panic Attacks, Insomnia, IBS, Diverticulitis, Gall Stones, Kidney Stones, AddictionsBorderline Personality Disorder, Schizophrenia, Addiction,  Major Depression, Sciatica.

 Plus a Terminal Illness and I’ve Helped the Blind to See!

Most of them just a time or two, because “Real” Doctors manage these incurable diseases, tell people with these diseases to give up hope or lower your expectations, or cut it out of you because it’s just causing problems.

If you’d prefer healing over managing symptoms, giving up hope for more, or destroying your problems

I came up with my next best step to share the healing I’ve witnessed.

True Health Shop, menopauseI call it “Exactly What You NEED.”

I’ll provide the medicine.  You use your hands with my guidance.

I’ll do my best to formulate the perfect medicine for your body, mind, and spirit needs.  I’ll include a short acupressure routine to soothe your stress and strengthen your vulnerabilities.

Here’s all I need… (You can use our intake form on the new patient page above, or when you click add to cart, there’s a box for “special instructions”)

The location, description, and intensity of discomfort (symptom/complaint).  Most intense to least intense if more than one.

The worst and best times of day and year.

How sleep works for you.  Trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, wake up groggy, vs good sleep and good morning energy?

How energy works for you.  Trouble getting started, crash after lunch, fall asleep at dinner, or watching a movie vs great energy right up until I need to go to bed.

The more descriptive you are the better our chances of success.  No history though, only what you feel and experience right now!  That’s all that matters to healing anyway!

Click Here to Purchase “Exactly What You Need to Heal!

With Love and Healing,

Dr. Todd Stone

True Health Webinar

Find YOUR Healing Trend

What the heck is a healing trend??  Picture thisWhatever feels BAD, horrible, miserable, or uncomfortable, starts to easeYou begin to heal, which we all know takes time.  But as soon as you feel a healing trend, despair is lifted!

Tired becomes less tired, and pain begins to soften.  Discomfort and dis-ease begin a journey toward comfort and ease.  I swear, if you haven’t had the experience of a healing trend, exhaustion and pain are 100X more bearable, when it is less than last week, which was already better than the week before.  


If you long for the feeling of HOPE and Relief, your goal is a healing trend!

I learned about the concept of a healing trend by experience.  The best teacher, right?

When my healing adventure began, I was at the county fair with my family.  I was pushing a stroller around while the big girls and momma braved the rides.  Suddenly, a pressure filled my sinus cavity behind my right eye.  Then a knife stabbed through my eye, into my brain.

Where’s my family!?  Time to go.  (Men don’t tend to take pain very well!)

Back home, I took some Advil, and my best allergy and infection supplements.  I could barely sleep from the pain, and complete blockage of my sinuses on both sides.  Mmmm…mouth-breathing.

In the morning the pain was worse.  I desperately pulled supplements from my shelf and downed them hoping for healingRelief.

By day three, the pain was so bad I couldn’t move.  It was as if my body said, “it’s clear that you don’t know what you are doing, so just lie still and I’ll use the energy we save to heal.”  Lol.

Somehow my body managed to locate uncomfortably functional by the fourth day, and there I stayed for the next six months.  I tried everything I knew…every lab test we had…nearly every supplement on my shelf.  I think I passed on PMS and Menopause Relief.  lol

Finally, I called a doctor who I knew was a “root cause doctor” and had a few years more experience finding.    He diagnosed a fungal sinus infection, and prescribed something I had never heard of.  A plant medicine from the Amazon rain forest called Una De Gato, or Cat’s Claw.

I feel things pretty intensely compared to most it seems, but I swear I could feel the first dose I took.  It felt powerful, healing, and relieving.  Just a tiny bit of relief, but enough for a “sensitive” person to feel.

Despair was replaced by HOPE!

The next six months I learned the “ins and outs” of a healing trend.  I learned to compare bad days to past bad days, or I would freak out comparing to how good yesterday felt.

A couple years later, I woke to the unpleasant reality we call Appendicitis.  I had to feel the trend by the second, and if I read it wrong, it could mean death!  I had moments of doubt, but I stuck with my heart and healed Appendicitis naturally.  No surgery.  No kidding.

I don’t recommend you try this at home.  Only experienced healers should ever attempt such a risky situation.

That was an INTENSE education on monitoring a healing trend!

This webinar shares my education, and the Five Resources I use in my clinic to help desperate people find their healing trend!

With my first three resources (you have to watch the Webinar to learn my resources!) I was able to heal body aches and pains, headaches, and sometimes a painful knee or elbow.  When I added resources four and five, I began to see healing that I was taught was impossible!

The first medical condition I resolved was Graves Disease.  My Functional Medicine professor taught me to refer those cases out.  “Don’t mess around with Graves Disease, they will have a heart attack and you will be sued.”

I’m guessing he didn’t know about resource five, because I was able to decrease her heart rate from 180 to a reasonable 100 during our first session.  No, it didn’t stay down, but we kept doing it until the whole situation resolved.  A matter of months in a closely monitored healing trend.

Yes, healing takes time, but when you feel it’s trend, the despair of “stuck” or “slipping away” is relieved.  OMG, that feels amazing.  Our culture calls it HOPE!

I have a bunch more stories of how I helped find hope for some pretty desperate people when you click through.  They all gave it one more try, and I was able to find Hope and Healing using these five resources.

Click Here to Sign up for the free Webinar.

You don’t have to wait until the webinar starts.  Enter your email and click play or save the page and watch at your convenience.  “Marketing Gurus” suggested I set up a schedule to appear like I was doing it live.  OMG, I could never lie!  lol

But, you will receive the page link by email as well, and if you reply to that email, you are talking to me “live!”   If you are searching for healing, I will help you as much as you want or need.

If you can accept help in my clinic, skip the webinar and go to our Contact page to request an initial appointment!

I’m so confident I can help you find healing, I stopped charging for visits, and you pay whatever you want, as a donation.  You Can’t LOSE as a patient of True Health Clinic!

True Health - Dr. Todd Stone

Top 10 Plant Medicines for Body Detoxification

A Liver Cleanse is a process or program that assists or accelerates detoxification.

Detoxification is a body function that never stops.  Every day our bodies manufacture hormones, and we eat, breath, and absorb chemical toxins that require removal from the body.  Alcohol and medications are extra work for the liver, so if you use either, you really need a lymph, liver and gallbladder cleanse along with a clean cleanse diet.

Dr. Axe spells it out, but essentially you eat wholesome whole foods, and let go of junk food.  (1)

gallbladder cleanseA liver cleanse is any step/s that assist and accelerate detoxification, so eating some broccoli sprouts every day would qualify.  The liver binds hormones and toxins to amino acids using vitamins and minerals to make the connection.

Greens First is my favorite freeze dried vegetable supplement.  You can click on the bottles and purchase some from our online store if you want to try it!

cleanse dietSo a scoop of whey protein and greens would offer some assistance with detoxification, qualifying those steps as a liver cleanse.

There are many liver cleanses that are fashioned as a  short term cleanse.  I once did one called the master cleanse, where you drink maple syrup lemonade through the day and fast for 3 or 5 days.  Obviously you could choose any number of days you’d like.

I think I chose five days, and the result wasn’t what I was looking for!  The fasting pushed me into adrenal exhaustion and I ended up with a severe (painful) sinus infection that took me a full year to resolve.

I carefully monitor my adrenal glands these days, because coming back from adrenal exhaustion was miserable.

All of my patients tell the same story, “I had to keep going and providing for my family with… (various symptoms).  Mine was constant head pain, and a nasally voice from the complete sinus blockage.  I couldn’t sleep, because my mouth breathing dried my lips and tongue out until the pain woke me up.

Everyone’s pain is different.  Just insert your symptoms.

Not everyone that discovers adrenal exhaustion gets sinus infections.  Each person has a unique weak link, mine was my sinuses after 30 years of allergies.  My allergies are resolved now, after taking True Allergy Relief for a few seasons.  True Allergy Relief  fixed whatever needed fixing, and now I don’t even need to take it.

A liver cleanse can be used to stay well, or as a healing strategy.

I take the plants I shared here in a small dose every day to keep up with a toxic world.  I have been “on a liver cleanse” for years, and I feel and function better at age 48 than I did when I was 15 or 25.

The three to five day, or two week liver cleanses are designed to catch up, and potentially turn around a chronic illness.  After chronic allergies, sinus infection, and Scleroderma, I’m planning on keeping up for the rest of my life.  If you haven’t read my Scleroderma story, it’s pretty awesome!

These plants are how I keep up, rather than catch up.  They are Mother Natures most powerful medicines for healing the liver and for cleansing your lymphatic system.

I treat people who have been searching for relief for years, in most cases, and almost every one begins their healing with a lymph, liver and gallbladder cleanse.

If you aren’t aware of the dramatic healing stories that True Health creates in the life of so many people, start with this one.  It leads right into another story, perhaps the most dramatic of all, helping the blind to seeI’m a sensitive healer type, I cannot tell a lie. 

The True Health liver cleanse is so simple when done on a daily basis.  These plants are most effective when tinctured.  There’s a process of extracting the medicinal qualities into a liquid.  The result is a bitter tasting medicine, but you can dilute them as you get used to the taste.

One squirt a day, and a reasonable diet, consisting of 80% whole foods.

Whole means as nature offers.  Man-made food or processed food puts a strain on the body by spiking blood sugar.  You can get away with it occasionally, but if it goes over 20%, you will fall apart.  Sorry, that’s the rules.  And your choice.  Eat 50% processed food and slowly fall apart.  Or stick to the 80/20 rule and live a long, healthy life.  With a little help from Momma’s medicine.

If you aren’t aware of how our government knowingly allows cancer cancer causing chemicals to be used in our homes; Minute 3 tells the story of Formaldehyde

Wow, they surround us with known Carcinogens.  I wonder if anyone profits from Cancer Treatment?

You may want to watch all the videos, because if you don’t have some sort of liver cleanse, you will eventually need to treat cancer.  The cancer video summarizes the approach of Medicine, Nutrition, Functional Medicine, and Traditional Eastern Medicine for the treatment of cancer It’s good to know all your options.

These are the plants I use for my “liver cleanse,” and protection from the poisoning of profit over people.  


This the plant used to make into root beer before artificial flavors were invented.  It most excellently cleanses the body of the chemicals “profit” uses to flavor our food.

liver cleanse
Dandelion Root:

Everyone knows what dandelions are, right?  If you pull up the root, it’s HUGE for such a tiny flower.  It is proven to bind and eliminate Round Up, the chemical we spray on weeds.

I’m pretty sure this stupid yellow flower will save our planet from the stupidity of poisoning our world with toxic chemicals.

Culver’s Root:  Gallbladder Cleanse

A wildflower (the purple ones) that grows all around us in the East and as far West as Minnesota.  It cleanses the gall bladder of hydrogenated oils, used to increase profit by increasing shelf life.  And yes, they know the harm it does to us.

Liver Cleanse

Milk Thistle

This plant is proven to regenerate a damaged liver, and assist a healthy liver to naturally cleanse.

Liver cleanse
Oregon Grape:

This plant grows in the West, if the name didn’t give that away.  The berries are very sour, but the Native Americans still ate them, mixed with a sweeter fruit.  The tinctured roots were a remedy for flushing out the toxins of bacterial infections.  I’ve prescribed it for the pain of Mastitis, and my patient’s pain was gone in a matter of hours.

liver cleanse
Poke Root:

My kids painted their faces with the berries, which are poisonous if consumed.  If you are dumb enough to keep eating them after puking, you deserve to die.  Not all of Nature is Medicine.

liver cleanse
The root offers one of the most powerful lymph cleansers, and if you can stand the bitter taste, it will kill the germs that cause gingivitis.

You grow accustomed to the bitter taste.  I can swish it through my teeth without diluting it.  And I haven’t been to the dentist in 27 years.


We have this plant in our garden.  You probably recognize it. Traditionally its use was for blood poisoning, and I have used it successfully with a poisonous spider bite.

liver cleanse
Red Clover:

Yes, the food for Eeyore, Winnie the Pooh’s gloomy friend.  It is so nourishing that treating anemia is a main use of it.  I wonder if Eeyore was just anemic?  It really takes the life out of you!

Astragalus: I’ll let Dr. Axe explain this one.  Click Here to read his wordy description.  Lol.  People tell me my articles are too long!

Red Root:

God grew a plant all over our great country that removes the hurt of Known Carcinogens.  He must have known that money is the root of evil, and offered a Red Root, literally, to combat the devil.

Liver Cleanse
All of these plants are in True HM Detox.  If you buy their protection with another healing medicine, such as Calm, Cold/Flu, etc, we ship for free.  You can find them in our Online Store.

The items in the store are alphabetically listed for your convenience.

Do you really want to put your health on the line, trusting these guys, over Mother Nature?

Mother Nature

Humira is the Champion

The top selling pharmaceutical is Humira, a drug that suppresses your immune system.

Humira is used for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Psoriasis.  It is manufactured by Abbvie Pharmaceuticals.  Humira earns this corporation 14 Billion dollars per year. (1)

Humira’s side effects include serious infections that may lead to hospitalization or death, lymphoma and other malignancies, some fatal, and liver failure.

Abbvie Pharmaceuticals, and the the doctors who prescribe Humira tell their customers that there is a danger, but there is nothing else available that controls the symptoms of your incurable disease.

California officials alleged Tuesday that biopharma giant AbbVie made illegal kickbacks to boost prescriptions of blockbuster drug Humira.

According to the complaint, “AbbVie engaged in a far-reaching scheme including both classic kickbacks — cash, meals, drinks, gifts, trips and patient referrals — and more sophisticated ones — free and valuable professional goods and services — to physicians to induce and reward Humira prescriptions.”

The California Department of Insurance says the health insurers paid out $1.2 billion in Humira-related pharmacy claims. It’s the largest health insurance fraud case in department history, California’s insurance regulator said in a news release. (2)

Humira does not relieve Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms better than Kevzara!? (3)

Tremfya works better than Humira for Psoriasis! (4)

Humira for Crohn’s Disease:

300 people with severe Crohn’s Disease symptoms received either a placebo, 40, 80, or 160 milligrams of Humira for 4 weeks.  Out of 75 patients in each group, 44 improved with the highest dose of Humira (31 patients reported no relief), while 28 improved taking a Placebo (47 patients reported no relief).

27 patients achieved enough symptom relief to qualify for “remission,” while 9 reached remission taking the Placebo.  (5)

Humira for Rheumatoid Arthritis:

272 patients with moderate to severe RA symptoms were given either a placebo, 20, 40, or 80 mgs of Humira for 24 weeks.  Pain levels decreased from an average of 5.5 to 2.8 (0-10 scale) in the highest dose Humira group.  In the Placebo group, pain levels decreased from 5.7 to 4.8.

Two patients were hospitalized for serious infections and one patient died in the Humira group.  (6)

Another study compared Humira to Enbrel and Remicaid and concluded: The analysis showed that the three currently marketed TNF-α blocking agents have similarly efficacy when added to methotrexate in the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis with active disease. (7)

TNF-α is a hormone that is released in response to bacterial infection or cell mutation (cancer)!!  Yikes, don’t suppress our immune defenses! 

Imagine suppressing our Government’s defenses.  We leave the defenses for land attack, but we dismantle the defenses for air strike and internal sabotage or treason.

Humira suppresses your defenses, and the doctor’s acknowledge that the consequence could be death, and we don’t request an alternative?!?!

How can we worship God, praise Jesus, and ignore Mother Nature!?  

Jesus was gifted two PLANT MEDICINES as an infant.  Myrrh is one of nature’s many antibiotics, Frankincense is nature’s pain reliever, like Advil, but without the potential for death, and it works slightly better. (8)

My Sunday School teacher was named Faith, and she warned me to watch out for false Gods.  I think she meant the idolization of money?  These people are not evil, but they rationalize the hell out of their choices.  They may even believe there is nothing better, and why look when you are getting exactly what you want!?!?  


If only you could see what I have seen.

I saw a man with Psoriasis heal.  His medicine caused Liver Failure, so he was told that he could no longer fill his prescription.  His doctor didn’t have an alternative, he just sent him away helpless.

If blocking the hormone that activates bacterial and mutation defense also blocks some pain or inflammation, I wonder what HELPing that hormone do its job might

With our lab test, I could see that his immune system was fighting bacterial and fungal infections.  True GI Cleanse is our medicine that helps create bacterial harmony in the “microbiome,” and True Fungal Fighter is our medicine for fungal infections.  True Lymph Cleanse is our medicine to help clean and clear out inflammation.  True Clear Skin is our medicine to clear and heal skin.

In eight weeks, he said, “My Psoriasis never looked this good using my prescription medication.

He enjoyed a year of health and comfort, and then cancer took his life.  I did everything I could, but ten years on cancer causing medicine was more than Mother Nature could overcome.  I actually went to the hospital to say goodbye and wept for the big dummy.  My only visit in 25 years.

My eyes have seen this!

A young man diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis tried True Health after three badly failed attempts at suppression with pharmaceuticals.

Our lab test showed that his body was fighting a deadly antibiotic resistant bacteria, C.Diff, so we gave Mother Natures help for SIBO,  True GI Cleanse and Lymph Cleanse.  Help kill and eliminate.  Help, not HURT.

In six weeks, he was almost symptom free, until he ran out of his True Health medicine.  He had a slight flare up, and never ran out of his medicine again.  Well, until he got to complete remission, which took another six weeks.  Now he doesn’t require any medicine.

Healing is Bad for Repeat Business and for Profit.

Abbvie Pharmaceutical and the doctors prescribing Humira, tell their patients that natural medicine has no scientific basis.

Can you feel them hanging on to their profit??

We used Golden Thread (Berberine) as one of our medicines for Ulcerative Colitis.  Golden Thread, scientific autoimmune, humiraname Coptis Chinesis, has over 100 studies validating its benefits for inflammation and cancer.

Over and over you hear researchers saying “theres enough evidence to begin human trials, or large scale human trials.”  But it never happens because it would destroy Big Pharma Profit.

We used a plant called Burdock as one of our medicines for Psoriasis.  Burdock decreases the same type of inflammation as Humira!

Burdock humirainhibits Tumor Necrosis Factor or TNF.

Burdock offers this virtue with NO side effects, and my Psoriasis patient said his skin looked better than when he was using the pharmaceutical that eventually took his life.


Better because plants nourish, cleanse, and heal.  Destruction and war are not effective healing resources.  Sounds like a hard man invented medicine.

I discovered plant medicines by being willing to try anything.  And I tried everything.  I learned how powerful these plants are by first hand experience.

My most recent personal experience was an incurable disease called Scleroderma.  It’s thescleroderma only disease I know of that Medicine has no medicine.  Seriously, they just send you home to die.

Nature’s medicine resolved it with a little trial and error.  An “error” with Nature’s medicine just means you don’t heal.  You don’t die or get cancer.


When I set out to create this website and blog, I had to check if there was scientific validation of what I had seen with my own eyes.  Look around the website.  I found scientific validation of Mother Nature for every named condition.  Click through to your condition and watch my video summary of what every healing science offers your condition.  Or at least all the ones I found.

If someone is telling you something, you have to
feel their intention.  These people feel intent upon profit.Mother Nature

Scroll through our blog to read all our case studies and learn more about plant medicines.  If you know someone with Alzheimers disease, search Alzheimer’s and you will find a study from India showing that plant medicines can even heal Alzheimer’s disease. 

True HM Detox is the medicine of choice for the invasion of chemicals.  I saw with my own eyes a little girl who was covered in eczema.  Head to toe.

Any inflammation means immune defenses are responding to invasion and you need to help Cancer - Asheville Functional Medicineyour body clear out.  How disrespectful to suppress your own defenses. Her invasion was formaldehyde.  It is a known carcinogen (Scroll down, see for yourself) and our government allows it’s use in our walls, carpets, and furniture.

Carcinogen means cancer causing chemical.  Our leaders know it causes cancer, and inflammation, and they allow its use in our homes.  As a result, this little girl (and probably many others) suffer from diseases and conditions caused by our leadership.

One out of two people get cancer.  Adding chemicals that are carcinogens to our home in any amount is not taking good care of our Earth and people.

Natural Law says STOP, before Mother Earth shakes like a dog to fling us off and start over.

Mother Nature is an amazing healer.  She doesn’t harm, or cause side effects, so it is safe to try and fail and try again.  Mother Nature costs  $30-40 per month, while Humira averages just over $4000 per month.

Humira is covered by insurance and Mother Nature is not. 

That makes me wonder if Pharmaceutical Corporations, Insurance companies, and our government are more interested in profit, than protecting our people.


What do you think?

Our last President has a net worth of 40 Million dollars.  I’ve heard that our current President has even more.

What kind of leader would accumulate wealth while their people don’t have food and water?

My income was cut off for healing a medical condition, and my net worth is less than zero.

Dr. Todd Stone .  Guess who I owe money to?!  Yeah, our government.  For the privilege of an education that was virtually useless.  I’m going to send them my diploma and see if I can get back to zero.

If you aren’t close enough to let me help you, I teach you how to do it yourself.